5. The Ruined Presentation

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Students were leaving the campus after a long hectic day. Nila and her friends were strolling down the slope towards the college gate. The weather was humid and sultry, and the skies were encompassed by a thick blanket of nimbus clouds. The wind was scurrying away, turning their hairs into a frizzy mess.

Riya: Send me the notes of the organic chemistry.

Susan: yeah sure

Judith noticed Nila's silence.

Judith: Nila, what happened to you?

Nila: ah...mm..nothin

Riya: She's still pondering over that again and again and put herself on silent mode. Just let go of that crap.

Nila: I can't let him overrule me everytime. It drives me nuts. I wanna retaliate!

Susan: But how?

Riya: If you don't mind, I have an idea

Others (in chorus) : What's that?

Riya: The third years of the computer science batch are preparing a powerpoint presentation for their lab exams. The exam is day after tomorrow. We have to ruin sooraj's project.

Susan: Are you out of your mind? It's too risky!

Riya: Success doesn't come without taking risks, darling.

Judith: And what if someone finds out? We'll be expelled.

Riya: The plan must be executed in such a way that no finger points out to us. Understand?

Michelle: Woah, from where do you get such vicious ideas ?

Riya (confidently): Don't you know
that I'm a master in game planning?

Susan: Oh yeah, sickeningly beautiful and gloriously evil

Riya : That was hard!

They were bantering while Nila was lost in her world of thoughts.

Catherine: What's your opinion, Nila?

Nila (with a resolve) : I wanna do this. I've suffered much insult and there's no other way I can avenge my insult. I'll make him suffer this time!

Riya: So, this is fixed for now

The next day: At the CSC Department

Students were seated in the lab and they are working on their respective PCs. Nila and her friends sneak into the dept without notice and hide behind the set of enormous cupboards placed near the lab.

Riya: This is the computer lab. (She points out): And there he is.

They saw Sooraj working on his presentation and saving it in his pendrive. After sometime, the students offed their PCs and left the lab. Sooraj also went out.

Riya: Did you see that? He has stored his project inside that pendrive. All we have to do is to flick it.

Nila: How's that possible?

Riya: Next hour is of Physics practicals. We'll enter the lab without anybody's notice.

Alex: I'm nervous, if anybody finds out, we'll be in trouble.

Riya: Stop talking and follow me

Just then, Avinash walked out of the lab and they quickly hid behind the cupboard. The mop, which was placed near it, fell down.

Nila: Oh, no!

Avinash turned around and all of them sucked their breaths. But he walked off, carelessly

Avinash: Must be a rat.

Nila, Catherine, Susan, Judith and Alexina tried to control their laughter.

Riya (scowls): Why are you laughing?

Judith: Didn't you get anyone else other than this half baked dimwit? O my God! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Riya : Shut up or I'll kick your face you witch!!

They moved towards the third year class. Students were leaving the class for their practicals. They hid behind the wall. As they peeped in through the window, they noticed Sooraj putting his pendrive inside his bag. He took his record and went out of the class. The class was silent once again.

Riya: The class is empty. No one's around. Come.

They went inside the class and took out his bag. Catherine and Alexina hid behind the door to keep a watch outside. Nila rummaged every nook and corner of his bag.

Nila: Yeah, got it!

She took out the pendrive and Riya got hold of it. She took out his water bottle and poured water over the pendrive.

Riya (with a satisfied look in her eyes): Fine, his project is ruined. We gotta go now.

Nila wiped it with her hankercheif and ensured that it was not wet. After wiping, She put it back into his bag and zipped it. They hurried out of the department and went back to their class like nothing happened.

Next day, in the lab

The professors were examining the presentations and putting marks according to the performances of the students. Sooraj oned his PC and connected his pendrive.

Sooraj: Good morning Sir. So here I'm presenting my analysis on...

The pendrive didn't work and Sooraj started to panic

Sooraj: Hey, what happened to this? Why isn't this working?

All eyes diverted towards him. Sooraj tried to reconnect it a couple of times but to no avail.

Professor: Sooraj, what happened to your presentation?

Sooraj (panics): I don't know sir, it was working perfectly till yesterday then what...

Avinash got up from his seat and tried to help him but didn't work . Sooraj tried to connect to his laptop but that also didn't help

Professor: I'm sorry, You didn't pass this examination Sooraj. You must be careful regarding your work.

Sooraj was shocked and he slapped his forehead. Avinash pleaded with the professors to give him a second chance but they didn't listen. Sooraj buried his head inside his arms and wept bitterly. His friends tried to console him.

Sooraj : All my efforts, time, and all the midnight oil I've burned, have gone hay wire! What will I do now?

George: Don't cry over it Sooraj, It's okay, it's not your fault.

Avinash took out the pendrive and examined it.

Avinash: But what happened to this?

He took out a screwdriver and opened it. After examining the pendrive, he found tiny water droplets sticking inside it's corners.

Avinash: This damn thing is wet! No wonder why it didn't work.

George got hold of it.

Sooraj (jumps of his seat): What! How come?

Avinash: Must be from your water bottle.

Sooraj's mind was in a whirl. As he tried to remember, Nila's words came back to his mind, again.

"I know you'll never miss an opportunity to insult me, but I also know to strike hard with the same force.

He clenched his teeth and fists curled into balls. His face was filled with anger and disappointment.

Sooraj: I know who has done this!!

Avinash: What! But who?

He stormed out the lab and walked towards the Chemistry department in rising anger.



Hi guys. I've recently changed my name into Judyjennifer. Hope you guys like the update. Take care and stay safe.

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