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            The University Elections

Three months later...

The notifications regarding the university elections were issued. The HODs were in charge of selecting the candidates. The preparations for the same began at the earnest.

Pr.Mary: Students, the post of the headstudent is really dignified and powerful. It contains a lot of responsibilities. Like me, the head student is responsible for the whole department. He/she is in charge of the undergraduates as well as the postgraduates. So it's not easy as you think. For this you should be extra punctual and responsible. So those of you who are willing to be candidates, please give your names and phone numbers. I'll be selecting five eligible ones from you. All the best.

The bell rang Pr Mary went out of the class. Students got out of their benches and went out for lunch.

Riya: I heard that the elections will be conducted on 20th or 21st June. Only three weeks left.

Susan: I wonder who'll be elected as the headstudent.

Judith: That's hard to decide. Even the Postgraduate students have to approve the person and vote. It will be really difficult.

Nila: Who all are volunteering?

Riya: Don't know exactly. I think it will be either Maxwell or Judy

They moved out of the class and walked towards the canteen, discussing about the possibilities of each person getting selected as candidates. The canteen was overflowing with students as it was noon. One of their classmates called out to them.

Nathaniel: Hai! Here for lunch?

Riya (smirks): Ah, no...not at all. We are here for some vodka and champagne.

All of them giggled at her remark.

Nathaniel: Why are you acting dumb, Riya?

Riya (crossing her arms) : Is it me who's acting dumb huh? Then for what people are here you fool..

Nathaniel: Ah, fine. Now don't start over it.

One of the classmates playfully hit his shoulders.

Jane (laughs): Seriously..Why are you like this? Do you like getting whipped by her tongue everytime?

Nathaniel: Just shut up okay?

Violet: Guys, do you know? Our Jane is gonna volunteer as a candidate for the elections. She has given her name and details to our HOD.

Nila: Really? That's a great news. All the best Jane

Jane: Thank you

Riya: Best wishes to you, Jane

Judith: Who all are the other candidates? Have any idea?

Nathaniel: Well, Almost fifteen people are interested to contest in the elections. Maxwell, Judy, Amy, Sam and Michelle. The rest is....I don't know

Violet: You left Natalie

Nathaniel: Yeah. There's a member from each group. Ours is Jane. (Raises her hand)

Alex: A member from each group?

Violet: Yeah. Who is volunteering from your group?

All of them stood mute at this question, looking at each other.

Nathaniel: No worries. You've got enough time to decide I guess.

During lunch hour , at the college grounds..

Susan (shouts) : Heard that? A person from each group. All of them have given their names. What about us?

Riya: What's there to get so worked up ? We'll select an eligible person from our group today. That's all.

Nila: Fine but who'll be that person? I guess you can, Riya...

Riya (stammers): w...what? Don't talk rubbish. I can't contest in the election. I don't get time to finish my own records and assignments.  How can I take the responsibility of a whole department?

Alex (giggles): Talks as if she's surely gonna win the elections.

All of them snickered and Riya glared at them.

Riya (with a strong resolve): I'm not gonna volunteer for this.

Nila: What about you, Susan?

Susan: No, my parents won't allow. Moreover I haven't  got ridden  of my stage fear till now. Then how can I participate?

Nila ( gets frustrated) : You crackpot! Can't you just understand? Only five people will be selected as candidates for the elections. We are just selecting a person to ensure the participation of our group.

At that moment, their senior prefect, Ruby Cornwell walked towards them with a hello.

Ruby: What's happening girls?

All: Hi sis!

Judith: We are trying to decide a person who can volunteer as a candidate for the elections from our group. Can you help us?

Ruby (confused): Uh...I'm not sure

Riya: Just select an eligible person who can be a candidate.

Judith: Yeah, who do you feel eligible among us?

Susan: Guys, I repeat. I don't want to be a candidate.

Nila (gets annoyed): What's wrong with you? Didn't I explain? You are eligible among us. Susie listen..

Ruby: It's okay Nila. If she doesn't want to participate, don't force her. It's not about capability alone. Interest also matters.

Ruby scaned all faces and eyed Judith. She hid behind Riya, avoiding her gaze.

Ruby: Fine. Come out

The bell rang and the break was over.

Riya: The break's over and we haven't decided yet.

All of a sudden, Ruby went forward and held Nila's hand. Her eyes went wide.

Ruby: You are the one. You can be the candidate!

All faces lit up in approval. Nila glared at them in shock for a moment  and shouted at the top of her voice.

Nila: WHAT!!! ME???

                                        Judy Jennifer

Hi guys I'm back. So sorry for the delay. Hope you'll like the update. To compansate, I'll be updating on consecutive days. Take care and stay safe.

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