40. The Journey (Part 3)

36 3 99

Destination no: 3

Snowdon, Gwnyde

It was early morning and the sun was slowly rising behind the hills. A thick layer of mist and flakes of snow covered the entire place like a blanket  The students were laboriously climbing up the mountain in groups. It seemed to hectic and tiresome at the same time. Riya, Avinash, Marshall, Morgan, George  and Alex went forward. Nila, Sooraj, Judith, Susan, Catherine and Michelle were lagging behind.

Judith: Come fast, they are getting ahead of us!

Nila: I can't walk faster than this. My ankle is hurting. Recently I slipped from the stairs and sprained my ankle. I was okay before but I think all this walking has made it worse again.

Michelle: Then let's rest for a while. Don't strain yourself much.

Nila: You guys go ahead. I'll rest for a while and reach out to you  later.

Judith: Leave you behind here alone? No way. We'll stay with you.

Nila: There's no need for that guys. I don't want you guys to lag behind because of me.

Sooraj: I can stay back with you. if you want. You guys can go and join them.

Nila: No need for that. I can manage in my own.

Sooraj: It's okay. Even I want a rest. My shoulders are aching.

He keeps his trekking bag down.

Nila: Uh..okay fine.

Catherine: We'll wait for both of you at the top. Be there soon and don't be late. Okay?

Sooraj: Sure. We will.

Both of them went ahead. Sooraj and Nila sat under the shade of a tree.

Nila: Sorry for making you stay back.

Sooraj: It's okay. I also need a rest.

He took out his flask and drank some water. He advanced the flask to her.

Sooraj: Want some?

Nila: Yeah. My throat is arid like a desert!

They sat, enjoying the nature and the coolness of the misty mountains. Nila removed the hood and tied up her hair in a messy bun.

Sooraj: What happened to your ankle?

Nila (laughs): Don't ask. I  walked into the kitchen while Reethu was doing the dishes. Whenever she does the dishes, she creates an entire flood inside the kitchen. Without knowing that, I went inside the kitchen,  accidentally slipped on the water and hurt my ankle.

Sooraj: Oh, that's bad. Will you be able to walk?

Nila: Sure I can. I'm better than before.

After the sometime, they started walking towards the cliff. He carried her bag and supported her by holding her shoulders whenever she had a problem.

Sooraj: Are you okay? Shall we stop for a while?

Nila: No need. I can walk.

Somehow they managed to get to the top. She inhaled the fresh morning air to her hearts content. All the students were enjoying the view, resting on the lush green grass and photographing the moments. The view from the top was mesmerizing. Clouds of fog were scattered below like chunks of whipped cream. Sooraj took out his camera and started taking photos.

Nila: Hey! Can you take pictures of me?

Sooraj: Why not?

She made cute poses and he clicked them. All of their friends came towards them.

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