36. Same People: Same Vibes

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That night,

Nila was helping out her mother with the dishes in the kitchen. She was feeling extremely happy for being with her family after such a long time. She hugged her tightly from behind.

Nila: I love you so much mom..

She kissed her and Maya turned back with a hard look.

Maya: What do you want?

Nila: Why do you Asian parents always think that kids show affection only if they want something? I really really love you...

Maya: Nilu...don't tell me that you failed in one of your papers.

Nila:  No! Absolutely not. (stammers)

Maya: No I don't believe. Or you must have done something and trying to hide it by buttering me up. Right?

Nila escaped from the kitchen to save her skin.

Nila: She hasn't changed a bit. It feels great to be back home.

At Sooraj's Apartment

Sooraj was lying on his mother's lap and she was massaging his head. He really missed her voice, her affectionate way of ruffling his hair and head massages. He opened his eyes and asked her

Sooraj: Mom, how was I during the last two months?

Rani: What do you mean?

Sooraj: I mean, was I acting strange or something? Did you notice any change in my behavior?

Rani: Well,Some mornings you scream inside the bathroom and give me a mini heart attack. When I ask, you always  tell me that it's a spider but I found none inside the bathroom. Seriously, from where did you get this fear of spiders all of a sudden?

Sooraj gritted his teeth when he realized the actual cause behind it.

Sooraj: Yeah mom. I'm really scared of spiders nowadays.

As time passed, Both of them were slowly coming back to their real identities and tried to get on the usual track. However, it didn't seem so simple because at some point, they used to forget about their re switch.

One day later after the re switch

Sooraj woke up from his bed. Taking a rubber band from the side, he tried to tie up his hair and was shocked to find that his hair was short.

Sooraj: Uh, where did my hair go? Oh no, what am I doing? I'm a boy again now. Not a girl.

He touched his cheeks which were rough again.

Sooraj: Uh...I really miss those cheeks. So soft, moist and supple... (sighs)

At Nila's house...

It was midnight and Nila went to the bathroom with half shut eyes as she didn't want to break the flow of her sleep. She put her hands inside her pajamas and got flustered

Nila: Huh, what is this? Where did my thing go? (Searches inside)

She slapped her forehead as she realized that she was no longer a boy.

Nila: Sheesh! What am I doing? I'm a girl now not a boy.

Next Monday, At the computer science department..

Riya, Michelle, Susan Catherine and Judith were listening to Alex as she was narrating the incidents from her first date. She was smiling and blushing as she told each and every matter in detail

Riya: Ok then?

Alex: We went to the beach. It was a very bright and sunny day too. I was wearing my white sleeveless top and beach skirt. He also bought me a hat and sunglasses. We played on the beach, ran along the sands and made sand castles.  We had garlic prawns, fried mackerel and lobsters for lunch. I must say the sea food was awesome.

Judith: My mouth's watering already. Wish someone asked me out for a date.

Susan: Yeah

Riya: Then what?

Alex: It was really late when he dropped me back home. We even kissed at the car porch. It was so romantic. He slowly came towards me covering the distance and....our lips met each other!!

Alex's cheeks grew red in crimson and Others gaped at her in shock.

Riya: Really? He kissed you!!

Susan: Awwww you are so lucky!!

Judith: I want a boyfriend too!

At this juncture, Nila entered the class, holding her guitar in one hand. All students looked at her in surprise. Riya and others looked at her with wonders truck eyes.

Riya: Is this the same guitar?

Nila : Yeah it is. All of you listen. I have an announcement to make.  I'm going to start singing again from now on. I've decided not to quit music. I'm on my track again.

All the students, including Riya and her friends broke into a wide round of applause. Riya, Alex, Judith and others swept her into a warm embrace.

Riya: I'm so glad to hear that.

Alex: Yeah! We missed your music.

Nila! Sing something!

All students gathered around and requested her to sing. In the meanwhile, the students of the computer science, including Sooraj and his friends entered the class. Nila gave him a broad smile.

Nila: Guys..I'm trying after a long time. Don't know whether it would come out right. So please pardon my mistakes.

Sooraj: It's okay Nila. We just wanna hear you sing again. Go on.

Yeah Go On!

Students began to cheer for her. Nila asked Alex to sing the parts. She began with 'Who says' sang by the leading singer Selena Gomez. All of them gathered around to listen to her. When she finished, all of them clapped and cheered for her. Nila cried of tears of happiness. She had never felt so happy before.

Sooraj: It was awesome!

Avinash: Indeed. You rocked girl!!

Pr. Amar came into the class and everyone stood up.

Good morning sir.

Pr. Good morning. Feels great to be back here and see all your smiling faces. I really missed you all.

Sir, where you had been for two months?

Pr. Amar: I had gone back to my native place in India. It was an emergency.

Nila and Sooraj exchanged smiles

Hope Professor Robert has taken my portions quite well. If you have any doubt, you can ask me. We will continue from the part he had stopped.

He smiled at Nila and Sooraj. Both of them smiled back.

Pr. Amar: So let's continue from where we had left. Page number 176 of your textbook...


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