67. The Graduation Ceremony

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Two months later...

The results got published and most of the students passed out with flying colors. Nila, Susan, Catherine and Alex got an A class while Sooraj, Morgan and Morgan passed out with distinction. Michelle and Benjamin became the valedictorians.  Two weeks later, the college conducted a massive graduation ceremony.

All the students were seated inside the large auditorium, wearing black robes and scholar hats, in all smiles waiting for their names to get announced. The chancellor of the university, director and members of the director board were seated on the dias. All the HODs were seated at the front row. Nila and Alex, wearing black robes and cap, came and sat beside Riya.

Riya: Hai! Wow you look fabulous.

Nila(excited): And so do you. I can't really believe my eyes! This is my dream come true!! I always wanted to wear this dress. I love it. Especially this cap.

Alex: Mine is way too big for my head (adjusts her cap)

Nila: Where are the others?

Riya: Judith, Catherine and Susy are at the middle row. Over there (Waves to them)

They waved back.

The introductory speech was over and the chancellor came to address the gathering.

Chancellor: Respected dignitaries, director members, principal, HODs, parents and all the young scholars present here. It's my proud privilege to...

Alex: This is gonna take a while.

Riya: Yeah.

Alex: Where is your boyfriend and others?

Riya: They are all seated above, at the gallery. I was late so I couldn't see him. Moreover my parents are here. (sighs)

Nila: I didn't see Sooraj either. I really wanted to see him in these robes and take a picture with him.

Alex: Aren't your parents here?

Nila: Yeah they are. They are sitting at the back row of the auditorium. Where's your Brian?

Alex: He's there. You know, my parents and his parents are sitting together. They have become friends. Look over there. Hey mom (waves her hand)

Georgia and Brian's mom Bianca waved their hands.

Riya: Woah, really? Do they know that you're a couple

Alex(blushes): They do .

Riya: Aww.. Wish we could do that.

Nila: Of course. Do you know Michelle is giving a valedictory speech?

Alex: Yeah I know. I've told mom to record it.

After two hours

The main speeches were all over and Michelle was delivering her valedictorian speech. Nila and others were all ears, recording each and every word she said.

Michelle: Truly, St Xavier's taught me a lot of virtues. It had been a hub of knowledge and experience and I'm proud to say that I was a student of this prestigious institution. I thank all my teachers, HODs, staff members and all my friends and classmates for making my journey here a wonderful and memorable one. Thank you.

All of them awarded her bouts of thunderous applause while she descended the steps one by one. They started to give away the certificates one by one. The students stood in queue for receiving the certificates and medals. The HOD of Zoology department, Miss  was calling out their names. After Physics and Mathematics, came the names of the students of computer science. Students who got A class and distinction were being called out first.

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