32. Exploring Each Other

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Two days later...

It was morning and the campus was overflowing with students. They moved in an out of the campus in groups. Sooraj was scanning his ID and marking his attendence at the doorway.

Good to see you back again!

He turned back and found Nila.

Sooraj: Good morning.

Nila: Good morning. How are you feeling today?

Sooraj: Much better (laughs). It's my third day today.

Nila: Ah..uh how was the overall experience?

Sooraj: To be frank it was painful at first. I'm somehow getting used to it. I experienced fluctuating mood swings and food cravings as well. Must say you girls are incredible! We boys can't think of going through these for a lifetime.

Nila (smiles): Glad to hear that.

They walked through the doorways.

Sooraj: Your sisters were of great help indeed. Reethu brought me blueberry ice cream and Reena made me a period playlist to listen. Also your mom fed me with her own hands. I and your dad played chess and he taught me new moves. I must say- you have a very loving family.

Nila(smiles): Even if we fight a lot, we truly care for each other. Mom scolds me a lot, but she can't see me in pain and so does my dad.

Sooraj: You are really blessed.

Nila: My friends are coming over here. I must go now. See you later

Sooraj: Okay.

Riya, Alex, Catherine, Susan, Michelle and Judith walked towards her.

Judith: Hey, you're back. How are you feeling now?

Sooraj: Better than before

Susan: We missed you. A lot of incidents happened in the span of three days-right Alex?

Alex blushed and Sooraj glanced at her in awe.

Sooraj: What happened?

Catherine: Well, somebody's going for a date with Brian this week. (winks at Alex)

Sooraj (amazed): Is this true Alex?

Alex (blushes): Yeah. He asked me out and I said yes.

Sooraj: That's really great! I'm happy for you.

They were walking towards the class and all of them froze in their tracks for a moment, as they looked aside.
Sooraj became clueless. A tall boy with curly hair walked towards them with a hello.

Riya: Gautham's  back again! His suspension days are over?

Alex: Thinks so. Otherwise what is he doing over here?

He turned towards Sooraj and gave a smile

Gautham:  Hey, how are you?

Sooraj: Fine

Gautham: It's great to see you again. I really missed you a lot. (winks at him) You look beautiful as usual

Sooraj gave him a hard look.

Riya: There you go. He's flirting with her again!

Gautham: When will you be free? I need to talk to you...about something. Can you meet me at the canteen today?

Sooraj: Sorry I'm busy today. I gotta go.

He snapped

Gautham: No problem babe. Hit me up when you are free. For I'm always free (smiles)

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