2. Cat and Mouse

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At the head student room

The clock had struck 9.00. Nila was placing seals over the verified records and writing down names of those who haven't submitted yet. She had to inspect the 1st year class as well. The hectic task and packed schedule annoyed her.

As she went on placing seals, an announcement was made through the speaker..

Principal: All the head students of the college should be present at the conference hall at 1pm. There will be a meeting regarding the arrangement for the annual games. Thank you

Nila pushed away the records in frustration and clutched her head in awe

Nila: Can't they just leave us in peace? Or have they taken us for granted?

She gritted her teeth in distaste and went on placing seals over the records. They seemed neverending and the time was running out.

Nila(glances at the clock) : Wish I had sometime for myself! I'm fed up of this

After verifying the records, she summoned the peon and asked him to take them to the office. Meanwhile her besties made their way to the room.

Riya: Are you free now?

Nila: Ah, yeah. But I'm starving. I didn't get time to have breakfast. Moreover we have a meeting at 1pm. God! This life is sucking my energy out!

Judith: Till then, let's buy some snacks and eat. You too join us. Don't overburden yourself like this.

Riya: Yeah, there is a life beyond work-work-work.

Nila: I want but nobody is showing me any mercy. I'm also coming. I too wanna relax!

Susan: Then come.

At the CSC department

Sooraj and his friends were bantering about random things while his mobile vibrated. It was with Avinash.

Sooraj: Just check who it is?.

Avinash (checks his mobile) It's your mom. She has sent you nine voice msgs

Sooraj (panics) Hey! No no don't open it

Avinash opened the msgs.

Sooraj's mom: Sooraj, your lunch bag is at home? How come you forget that?

Avinash and others laughed at this. Sooraj turned his head way in embarrassment.

Mom: I've told you many times not to have from the canteen but you just don't listen. I had made your favorite fried rice for lunch and kept biscuits and cut apples for snacks. Atleast you could have taken the milk bottle. How could you forget that also?

Sooraj cringed at this while his friends eyed him.

Sooraj mv: Mom will never change.

Mom: This time it's ok but never forget your lunch again at home. You have to eat well, understood? And come home early today

Avinash (laughs) Aww sooraj baby, why did you forget your milk bottle at home?
Other laughed at this and Sooraj glared at them.

Sooraj : Just stop it okay

Marshall: Baby sooraj..... forgot his milk bottle at home...awwww...

Sooraj: I told you to stop you fools; Or else...

George: You've got a bib and a nipple?

Avinash: Baby boy sooraj

Sooraj (shouts) : Yeah, I am. No matter how much I grow up, I'll be my mom's little baby boy always. That will never change.

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