65. Camping at the Mountains

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Two weeks later

Nila's phone chimed. It was Alex.

Alex: Hey lovie

Nila: Hey girl. What's up? How's your vacation going?

Alex: Meh, boring as usual. I'm loafing away my time watching series and sleeping.

Nila: Me too. College was way better. At least we could banter with each other

Alex: Yeah. I called you to inform that there's gonna be a sleepover at my house. Riya and Susan are coming over. You should also join.

Nila: I would love to but I have to ask mom.

Alex: Just try to butter her up. It would be boring without you.

Nila: I'll try.

That evening..

Maya was working in the kitchen and Nila was doing the dishes. She was thinking of how to initiate a conversation.

Nila: Mom, I have something to tell you. Please don't say no.

Maya: First tell me the matter only then I can decide whether I should say yes or no to it.

Nila: Well, We are planning to have a sleepover at Alex's house and she asked me to join them. So can I

Maya didn't reply

Nila: Please mom.

Maya: I'll think about it.

Nila: You always say this. Please..There's only two months left for the results to get published and after that I'll get busy. Moreover I'm super bored over here. I wanna go and chill out with my friends. Please mom..

Maya: You mean to say that you have no entertainment here? You watch all sorts of series and movies all day long isn't that enough.

Nila: That's because I have nothing to do here other than household chores and laundry. It's only a matter of two days mom. Please...your the sweetest mom in the world. 

Maya: Stop buttering me. Go ask your dad.

Nila: Fine I'll ask him. If he agrees you can't say no. Okay?

Maya: Fine.

That night...

Nila asked her dad and he agreed. She was thrilled and couldn't wait to call Riya and Alex and say that she was joining them. However, the further conversation with her father about her post graduation left her in dilemma and shock.  She was in her room, trying to remain calm while her phone rang

Nila: Hello baby..

Sooraj: Hey...What's up..

Nila: I'm good. What about you?

Sooraj: Yeah I was just returning home after the shift. Also I want to inform you that I could take you to the bike ride you've asked, this Saturday. We could go for a camping trip at the mountains and stay there for a night. What do you say?

Nila: Awesome! Let's go.

Sooraj: What are you gonna tell others?
Have you got any plausible excuses by the way?

Nila: Well, fortunately I asked them to let me go to a sleepover at Alex's on Saturday and they agreed. I could cancel it and we could go for the trip.

Sooraj: Ah..won't your friends feel bad for it?

Nila: The camp is only for one day right?After returning, I'll go and stay at Alex's on Sunday. Simple.

Sooraj: Woah. That's a good plan by the way.

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