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   18.  A Machine that could Change      

One fine morning, Near Hampstead

A car was strolling down an uncrowded lane. After going through mistaken ways, it eventually halted in front of a huge mansion. At the entrance, there was a signboard with name and designation. The car door was opened and the director of St. Xavier's stepped out of it. He was accompanied by the professors as well.

Director: Is this the house?

Professor Dean: Yes sir.

The whole entourage walked towards the mansion and professor Robert rang the calling bell. Professor Amar hurried towards the gate and opened it.

Director: Hi professor, how are you doing?

Pr. Amar: Great Sir. Glad that you came. Was it difficult to find the address.

Director: Not at all. All credits to the GPS.  (looks at his phone with disgust).
This damn thing made us roam around the entire street!

Amar greeted other professors.

Pr Amar: Professor Richard, Dean and Robert, thank you so much for accepting my invitation.

Pr. Richard: Well, we were curious to know about your new invention. It's a matter of great honour that such a great scientist is the HOD of our institution.

Pr. Amar: Sir, it's just my debit invention. I'm not an established scientist yet.

Pr. Richard: I bet you'll be one day Professor.

Pr. Amar led them to the parlour and asked the servers to serve tea and refreshments to the guests. One of his assistants lowered the screen and turned on the projector.

Visuals started to get displayed on the screen.

Pr. Amar: Gentleman, we all believe in the supremacy of Lord Almighty. The one who controls the whole universe. Despite being a scientist, I'm an ardent believer of god. In vedic terms, Paramathma (supreme soul) is the one who controls and maintains the whole universe.

There are things which are incomprehensible to science. Still they exists from the very beginning. We still don't know who we actually are and what happens after our death. If I ask someone "who controls our body and mind?" Some of the answers  will be brain, heart, so and so on. But there is a more sophisticated answer to it.

The images of the screen kept on changing and others were watching it with keen interest.

Pr. Amar (focuses on the screen):  
Atma or Soul is the one aspect which controls our body and mind. It neither has a shape nor a name. The fact is, we are being controlled by a driving force inside us. Body and mind are just instruments if the soul. They don't encounter death as they are immortal beings. All these years, I had been writing a thesis on transmigration

Without taking his eyes from the screen, he continued

Pr. Amar: After six years of prolonged research, hypothesis and inferences, I have reached to a conclusion that would can be transported from one body to another. And for that, I've invented this machine- A Machine which could change lives

Images of the Machine were shown on the screen.

Pr. Amar: This is called the transmigrator. I've designed it on the basis of the process of electrolysis, in which ions get exchanged from one metal to another, through a salt bridge.

There are two enclosed chambers for laying bodies. This is a dual process. When two bodies are laid in both chambers, the machine studies the nature of the souls and transfers them from one body to another. This way, the ancient Indian theory of Existence of Souls can be proved through this experiment. The transfer of Souls will affect the life of an individual differently and he/she has to encounter different circumstances in life.

The lights were on again and the professors gave him a big round of applause. Pr. Amar felt honoured.

Director: I just can't believe my eyes! This is a matter of great honour and price for the entire country! We need more scientists like you. I swear the glory of your debut invention will be a turning point in the field of science and discovery. Congratulations Professor

All of them have him a handshake.

Pr. Robert: If you don't mind, can we see the machine once?

Pr. Amar: Sure sir. Please come

He led then towards his personal laboratory and work station. It was a huge, white, colossal area full of sophisticated machinery, devices, spare parts, apparatuses etc. The director and his whole entourage were wonders truck after seeing the colossal lab and it's interiors. They halt before a huge complicated machine.

Pr. Amar: This is the transmigrator and these are the two chambers in which the bodies are laid. There is a large white tune which connects the two cellars and facilitates the transfer of Souls. (Goes to the monitor)

Pr. Amar: This is the controlling panel, from where we can control and analyse the whole procedure. The transfer will be completely under the surveillance of the computer. So there's no need to worry about harm or damage. The machine is completely safe. I have completed around 50-55 test runs with animals and it is functioning perfectly. It's perfectly eligible for a human test run now.

Pr Robert (amazed): How long you had been working on this?

Pr. Amar: About 6 years.

Pr. Robert: God! I must say you are an extraordinary genius.

Pr. Amar: Thank you sir. That means a lot to me.

Director: Professor, we have a humble request. Please conduct a test session at our college for our students.

Pr Amar: Sure Sir. But I'll be needing arrangements for transportation.

Director: Leave it to us Professor. Please inform us when you are ready. This will be a great inspiration to our students also.

Pr. Amar: Thank you so much for your words and support.


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