62. Wrap up for the Finals

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Pr. Amar: So students. As you all know that our exams are commencing on 20th of this month. The management has decided to conduct your farewell after that. So obviously, this is your last class. I want each and every one of you to give your best and make our institution proud. We have high expectations of you. All the best for your exams.

Students: Yes sir.

The bell rang and Amar Sir got out of the class.

Riya: So, today is our last class guys.

Nila: I knew that this day would come some day. It feels as if three years just whizzed away. I'm gonna miss this place, my table and this uniform.

Alex: What about us?

Nila: Yeah. Most importantly you guys.

Susan: Guys I have something to tell you.

Riya: Spill the tea

Susan: Please dont freak out. Morgan asked me out for a date.

All jaws literally dropped on the floor in shock and surprise.

Alex: What! He asked you out?

Riya: Woah! You should definitely say yes!!

Susan: I'm thinking on it. I didn't give him a reply.

Nila: In my opinion, he's a nice guy. Moreover he's Sooraj's friend. He's friends are all nice, well mannered and cool. You must definitely say yes to him.

Alex: Ahem...ahem. But one year before, you were saying something else.. fricking arse holes,bunch of donkeys, pricks and turds and...

Nila: Okay okay stop.

Judith sighed in dismay and she walked away.

Riya: Where are you going?

Judith: Huh...just washroom.

She went out and all of them exchanged looks

Alex: What's with her these days? She's acting different.

Nila: Maybe we should ask her.

During free hour...

Alex(whines): Remedial classes just suck out my energy like a bloody vampire! I just don't wanna stay.

Nila: You always slack away your classes every time. Don't forget that our exams are coming.

Alex: I know. But the thing is, I've still not got my exam fever.

Nila: Better start studying or else you'll end up with arears

Alex: I can't study when I'm at home. I loaf around or watch random series and shows in prime and netflix. Can I come to your house to study?

Nila: Do you have to ask for that? You're always welcome in my house.

Alex: Okay then. I'll come this Saturday. Oh yeah, speaking of that. Riya told you went to Sooraj's house to study that day. I kinda forgot to ask then. How was it?

Alex's eyes twinkled with hopes and Nila sucked her breath.

Nila: What do you mean?

Alex: I mean, how did it go? Was it romantic? Brief me from the beginning.

Nila: Well.. he tutored me, we did questions from the guide and text, he made hot chocolate drink for me and then we kissed and I went home.

Alex: That's all?

Nila: Yeah.

She looked at her with a miffed angry face.

Alex: I'm very much disappointed in you girl. When she told me you were going to his house, I thought something  would happen you two. All my hopes got wasted.

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