11. The Candidate list

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Next day during the lunch hour,

Nathaniel came running towards the classroom and the students became alert.

Riya (snickers): Why is he running as if his bottom is on fire?

Susan: He would have probably got himself in trouble I guess

Nathaniel: Guys, Professor Mary is gonna announce the name of the finalists today after noon.

Nila: What?

There was a sharp intake of breath. Faint murmers were heard among students.

Catherine: In such short notice! We are counting on you Nila. Make us proud.

Nila seemed perturbed. She almost dropped the omlet she was having.

Nila: I'm getting nervous. Please don't blame me if I don't make it.

Riya: Trust me we won't. Stay calm and stop panicking. (Holds her shoulder)

The bell rings

The students are all present to hear the names of the finalists. Professor Mary came along with Jennifer to the classroom with the names of the candidates. All of them stood up. Nila wasn't able to stay calm and kept on drinking water from her bottle

Mary: So students. I'm gonna call out the names of the candidates. This doesn't mean that the rest are lagging behind.  You all have given your best and we had to chose five people among you. So I shall begin

The students became curious and Nila could feel her heart pounding.

Mary: Amy Alexis
            Sam Martin

            Chris Dean Emerson

            Michelle Stuart

Cheers and applauses were made for the candidates. Riya and others become disappointed and Nila tried to console them

Nila: Don't worry. Didn't I tell you? It's just..

Before she could complete, Mary called out the name of the last candidate

Mary: Nila Catherine Joseph!

Riya and others were taken aback for a moment. As realization hit their minds they yelled and cheered in Excitement.

Riya: You made it girl!!!

Susan: You are gonna contest in the elections. Woah!!

They all embraced Nila while she stood motionless like a statue, unable to believe her ears.

Nila: Holy Christ! Is this for real?

Riya kissed her forehead. Other students clapped and cheered for her.

Mary : Congratulations to all the candidates. You all may come and stand here.

All the candidates, including Nila went forward and stood in front of the class. Riya and others kept in cheering for her. Nila looked at them imploringly.

Nila mv: For heavensake please sit down you guys...

Mary: Enough. Once again congratulations for making up to the top five. You all will be submitting your nominations this coming Friday. But before that bring a letter from your parents for granting permission inorder to contest in the elections. So that's all. You may go to your seats.

After the college

Riya and others were in a festive mood while Nila remained silent. They were walking towards the college gate. Nila was wondering how she would convince her parents.

Riya :Alex should have been with us. She would have been so happy!

Judith: Yeah. Poor thing has got boxing practice at the club today.

Susan: Just imagine, if Nila becomes the head student, how cool it would be?

Riya: Yeah, and no body will try to mess with us. As we are all the best buddies of the head student. Wow I can rule over the entire department with that.

Nila: Will you guys shut up! You all are already weaving  your dreams out there while I'm thinking how to convince my parents! I wonder why I got selected! It is better if I back out...

Riya grew irate that she gave a wholesome blow on her head. Nila winced in pain.

Nila: Ouch! Why did you do that?

Riya: You idiot! Do you know how prestigious post it is? You could reign over the entire department with that! Most of the students are weeping that they didn't make it. And here you talking about backing out. Wait till I give you another...

Riya advances her hand and Nila shrieks out..

Nila (yells) Stop it! It hurts. I need to talk to my parents about this first!

Susan: Riya, don't force her if she doesn't want to. It's her choice. Nila, do you really wanna contest?

Nila: Well to be frank I do wanna but I'm not sure whether I will win. Morever I need my parents approval.

Catherine: But if you win, you could be famous. You could be an it-girl in our campus. Ah...I also dreamed of becoming one

Nila: I don't wanna be an it-girl by the way. All the it-girls I've known in my highschool were weird and mean. I don't wanna be like them.

Riya: Nila don't you remember? When we were in high school, you told me you wanna in a position where everyone listened to you. Didn't you?

Nila: Uh..I did

Riya: This could be your chance. Your life will be amazing after this. Just try to convince your parents, and for the elections, we would try to make you win.

Nila (smiles): Fine. I think I could do this. I will talk to dad first.

Move...you are blocking my way!

They all turned back and saw a girl wearing round specs. Her hair was tied up in a messy ponytail. She had a grave face with firm set lips. They move and she walked past them.

Riya: Who the hell is she and how dare she give us orders?

Judith: She's Michelle Stuart. One from our class.

Susan: She's from our class? How come we don't know her?

Judith: She sits at the back bench and merely goes out. I guess she doesn't have any friends.

Riya( snorts): Who's gonna befriend her for her bossy attitude?

Catherine: Wait! She's one among the five candidates I guess.

Susan : What!

Judith: Then she's gonna be a rival for you Nila,

Nila: Oh God!

Riya: Who cares? Why are you scaring her? Just keep your mouth shut okay? Nila, don't listen. We are gonna make to win. Aren't we guys?

Others: Yeah we will!

Riya: Let's say in unison. Kudos to our candidate-Nila Catherine Joseph!


As they cheered for her, doubts were rising in Nila's mind.

This is not gonna be easy for me.....

Judy jennifer.

What's up guys. Sorry for the late update. I was piled up with exams. Please read comment and vote for us.

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