7. An Accident

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"It was the time when we all met. I and Nila were in the same school before and our friends circle widened when we reached here. We met Judith, Alexina, Susan and Catherine on our first day. We became the best of friends then. Two days after our freshers,we all decided to go out for shopping.

One year before....

Susan got her driving license finally. She twisted the keys and her car was started

Riya: Is it okay for you? Can you drive?

Susan (excited):  Yeah sure, it's my first drive after getting license.

Alex: Fine. But where are we going first?

Riya; To the central mall! We'll hang around, shop some random stuff and help ourselves to buttery croissants, chocolate donuts, stuffed chicken hamburgers and cups of steaming hot cappuccinos. What do you say?

Alex: No objections at all. Let's go there!

Riya: What do you say Susan?

Susan: My mouths watering already. Would you care for some pizza too?

Catherine: Ah...pizza pizza...Always pizza! Can't you try something new.

Susan's face fell. Riya snickered.

Riya: Okay...okay. Let's first get there and decide.

Others: Fine.

Riya took a quick glance at her watch and stomped her feet impatiently

Riya: It's getting late. Both of them haven't reached yet. Where are they?

Riya took her mobile to make a call Nila and Judith arrived at the same time. Riya cut the call on seeing them.

Riya (irritated): Where were you all these while? I told you both to reach before 9: 30, right?

Judith: Sorry, we're late. (Looks apologically)

Nila: Yeah we got stuck in traffic. Sorry guys. How am I looking in this crop top and jeans skirt?

Catherine: Nice

Susan: Let's go now rather than wasting more time, here

They got into the car. The weather was turning chilly and the sky was being covered with a thick layer of dark clouds.

Riya: The sky is cloudy. Hope you all got umbrellas as well.

They played songs from the playlist. Catherine tried to lower the glass but she was stopped by Alex.

Alex: Don't lower the glass. I've just shampooed and blow dried my hair. I don't want it to turn into a frizz.

After sometime, they reached the entrance of the mall. The parking area was already full and the gates were closed.

Susan : Oh no, the gates are closed. We have to find a place elsewhere.

Susan put the car on reverse gear. As she went back slowly, the car got collided with another, behind them.

Riya: Ah, what was it?

They got out of the car in haste. It was a bright red Ferrari. It had created a dent on Riya's car.

Riya: Holy Christ! What'll I do now? Dad will yell at me!!

Susan: Who the hell was that? Get out now or I'll call the cops.

She shouted, hitting hard on the glass and four boys get out of the car.

"It was the first time we saw them. Sooraj, Morgan, Marshall and George and this incident eventually led to the enmity between them"

Marshall: Can't you a bit careful while taking reverse?

Susan: Shut up! How dare you yell at us?  Look at the dent you've made! I'll call the cops right now!

Sooraj came forward and tried to
put the situation at ease.

Sooraj: Ladies, it wasn't out fault. You were the ones who collided. Had you been a bit careful, this wouldn't have happened.

Nila intervened at this point.

Nila: Ah, You're talking as if we need to take driving lessons from you. You people are the ones behind the accident. Your rash driving created this dent! Susan, call the cops!

Sooraj: Hey, Don't try to put the blame for the damage you've caused for yourself. We're not responsible for it.

Nila: Don't try to escape. You'll have to pay fine for the damage you've caused to our car.

Marshall: No! We won't pay anyone for this!

Sooraj: Why should we pay for something we're not responsible? You caused this damage due to your carelessness.

George: Better sit at home if you don't know to drive other than creating problems for yourself and others.

Sooraj (snorts): I wondered who gave them driving license in a country where the laws are so stringent

Nila lost her temper and she hissed at him.

Nila: Mind your tongue or else I'll pull it out!!

Sooraj (shouts): How dare you talk to me like that?

They argued with each other regarding the dent fir hours till Susan called the police to sort out the issue.

Back to the present...

Jennie: Then what happened? Did they pay for the damage?

Riya: Well yeah...After reaching the police station, we had to pay fine for the damages. They payed for the dent and we had to pay them for their broken headlight. And.....we both had to pay for blocking the way, for hours.

Susan (snaps):  And my license got suspended for a month. Thanks to them!

Riya: I got an earful from my dad. Our lovely day got ruined by those nasty fellas.

She snorted in anger.

Jennie: Oh, so this accident was the reason behind their enmity. Right?

Riya: Yeah, this is how it began. But the incidents which happened after this triggered more and more enmity between them. There are more to tell regarding this.....

End of Part 1


Judy Jennifer.

Hi friends.
This is my last update of this month. I'll be taking a short break for my semester exams and won't be able to update for two months. Please let me know your responses regarding the story. Stay tuned. Take care and stay safe.

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