43. A Realization

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Next day, at the Computer Science department..

Professor Dean: So students, today we are going to discuss about various coding languages. For example..

Sooraj was sitting in front, with his mind wandering elsewhere. He was in no mood to attend classes. Nila was absent for two days and that made him more restless and absent-minded. He had messaged her but she was not online either.

Professor Dean: Sooraj, please read out the portion from page no 176.

Sooraj mv: I think I should call her after the class.

Professor Dean: Sooraj!

Avinash shook his shoulders, trying to bring him back to the present. He immediately came back to his senses and stood up, fully flustered.

Sooraj: Sorry sir! Sorry. (Takes the book in his hands): Ah.. sorry...which page number was it?

Students started laughing and the professor turned mad.

Professor Dean: What the hell were you thinking then? Are you just physically present in my class? Get out!

He took out his books and quietly left the class. Avinash, Marshall and George exchanged looks of suspicion.

George: What happened to him? He's been behaving like this for two days.

Marshall: We'll ask him and find out.

During an afternoon free hour, at the college grounds.

They were sitting at the stairs and watching the basket ball practice sessions. Sooraj checked her account and found out that there was no response from her. He frowned

Avinash: What happened to you? You've been acting strange these days.

Sooraj(glares): What do you mean? I'm normal as always.

Morgan: Not at all. We have never seen you so absent-minded before. For the first time, Professor Dean turned you out of the class. There's something going in your mind these days. What is it?

Sooraj: You guys are assuming things. I'm completely fine. Okay?

Marshall: Seems like he won't open up that easily.

George: Listen. We are your friends and we've been together for the past two years and a half years. So when there's a slightest change in your behavior, we would automatically know. So stop hiding and tell us the matter.

Sooraj (annoyed): Uh...what's wrong with you guys? Can't you leave me in peace! I just frustrated these days so leave me alone.

Morgan: We are just asking the reason behind that frustration. Does it have to do with your work?

Sooraj(stammers): Ah...well...yeah

Avinash: You're lying!

Sooraj: No I'm not!

Avinash: You never get frustrated with work, no matter how hard it is. Come on! We are seeing you for the past two years. Think before you lie again.

Sooraj: What do you wanna know?

Avinash: The reason of course! Why are you being so absent-minded like this? Morever, you were sleeping inside the class as if you haven't slept for two days! What's wrong with you?

Sooraj : I don't know what's happening to me either. I know I was never like this before. I can't eat, sleep, work or think properly since her long absence.

All of them became alert. They exchanged looks of sudden surprise

Avinash: What are you talking? Whose absence?

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