33. Shattered Dreams

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Next day..

The head students were moving in and out of the office. Nila was arranging her table and books while Sooraj entered the office. His palm turned sweaty and he immediately turned his face away.

Nila: Hey there

Sooraj(stammers): h..hai

Nila: You called me yesterday right? Sorry I feel asleep too early.

Sooraj: Ah..it's okay

Nila: What did you want to tell?

Sooraj brought himself to tell the reason but no voice emanated from his throat. He became nervous.

Sooraj: Well.. nothing peculiar.

They walked through the hallways towards the garden

Nila: So how did the shopping go?

Sooraj: Uff.. Terrible. It's better if you don't remind me.

She let out a hearty laugh.

Nila: Seems like you were sweating a lot over there.

Sooraj: Yeah

As she looked sideways, she found Professor Mary walking towards them. They went forward and greeted her.

Mary: Hey, long time no see

Nila: Yeah. We didn't see you for a long while. Why did you go?

Mary: I had an emergency. My mom was hospitalized and had to return to India last month. She's fine now.

Nila: Oh, that's good.

Mary: So, how are your lives going? Did Professor Amar call you?

Sooraj: He calls us and enquires about us frequently ma'am. He said he's still working on the machine and it will take a few more days to complete.

Mary: Oh okay. So how was everything till now? Did you guys screw up with each others lives?

Sooraj and Nila exchanged smiles

Nila: No ma'am. It was indeed tough in the beginning, but we are somehow getting used to it.

Mary: That's great. I gotta go now for I have classes next hour. See you later.

Nila and Sooraj: Bye ma'am

She walked towards the building.

Nila: It's time for the first bell. I gotta go. See you later.

Sooraj: Wait!

She turned back

Nila: what?

Sooraj: Uh..mm.. Nevermind. Bye

He walked away.

Nila (confused): Uhh..weird boy!

Sooraj(nervous): I can't tell her! What should I do?

Days went as usual and Nila and Sooraj helped each other out to cop up with each others lives. He taught her coding language while she taught him to do lab experiments. They helped each other out during awkward situations. Slowly, their enmity evaded and was replaced by a new friendship.

One day

Reethu was doing waxing using her newly bought waxing kit. She was experimenting it on Sooraj for the first time.

Sooraj: Are you sure this isn't gonna hurt?

Reethu: Trust me sis. It's better than shaving. Waxing is good for your skin as well.

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