Part 5. Long Distances are Hard

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 6months later, Whistler, Canada

Nila: What do you mean by that? Urgh...boy you're seriously driving me nuts. I'm frigging tired of you you sicko!

Nila and Sooraj were arguing through the phone continuosly for fours

Sooraj: I don't speak flowery language. I just say facts and that too directly. No need to flare up your nerves for that.

Nila: I've had enough of drama today and tired! I'm going. Bye!

Sooraj: My throat is also arid like a desert! Happy arguing with you. Bye.

She cut the call and hurled the phone on her bed

Nila: What does this idiot think of himself. Not even the president of the United States have this sort of attitude. Urgh.

Gurl...did you guys pick up a fight again?

The door was opened and a thin lean blonde girl with a Canadian accent peeped inside.

Nila: Nothing. We had a little argument like any day.

Leah: Little? I could you hear you yelling from four blocks away.

Nila: Gosh! Was I too loud.

Leah: If the neighbours are gonna complain for making excessive noise. I will not be the one held accountable.

Nila: Sorry for that. I just can't take this anymore. Long distance is just too much. Maybe we need a break.

Leah: Gurl..if he's such a sicko. Just dump him for good.

Nila: No I won't. Whatever you say, I love him and he loves me a lot. As for the fight, this is not our first time. We actually met eachother through a fight. When we became a couple  I thought that we won't fight again but now I realise that fight is an integral part of life. Don't worry it happens (giggles)

Leah: Whatever. I can't understand you both. You both are lovey dovey and rivals at the same time. Cupid must be mad.

Nila: I'm so pissed off today. I need to relax myself for a while.

Leah: Then go have a wank. The vibrator is in the bathroom.

Nila: No need. I'm gonna watch anime for sometime.

At the Same time, At a cafe at Westminster

Sooraj was sitting on a chair, ordering a decaf, pondering over the fight. He pinched the area between his brows and closed his eyes.

Sooraj: God! I shouldn't have said that...but she was way too much. Anyway, my mood is ruined

Hello there...

He looked up. A girl with brown hair, wearing white floral top and dark blue jeans walked towards him.

Sooraj: Hi Stacy.

Stacy: I took a day off from the library and I saw you coming here. Schedule is hectic nowadays.

She occupied the empty seat next to him.

Stacy: What happened? You don't seem good. Is something bothering you?

Sooraj: Nothing

Stacy: Don't lie. I can really read your mind from those tightened brows. Just spill the beans.

Sooraj(giggles): Uh..Who are you? A mentalist? Or  did you start  take online lessons for that?

Stacy: Just assume the fact that I do mentalism as well. Is it related to your relationship?

Sooraj: How do you know?

Stacy: I put two and two together. It's obvious man.

Sooraj: Well..yeah. I picked up a fight with Nila and she yelled at me. This has become a routine nowadays

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