21: Dilemma

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Ohhh Shit!

Pr. Amar slapped his forehead. Others sucked their breaths. Pr. Mary cupped her mouth with her palm. The situation was getting out of control.

Is this true? Is he really?

Pr. Amar: No this can't happen! I won't believe this. Sooraj is this really you?

Sooraj glared at him in shock.

Sooraj: (in Nila's voice): I'm telling the truth. I'm Sooraj!!

He looked beside him and found his body lying on a bed next to him.

Sooraj: That's me! So that means that I'm...(looks at himself)

Director literally lost control.

Director: Professor! Come to my cabin. Right now!!

Pr. Amar knew that things were finally slipping out of hands. He silently followed him, with his head bowed in shame.

In the directors cabin...

Director: What the heck is this Professor? You just ruined the lives of our students! You only told that the switch would happen around 30 minutes. Then how did this mishap happen??

Pr Amar was sweating inside the cabin. He was filled with guilt. Morever, the directors taunts chastened him with more grief. Words choked in his throat.

Pr. Amar: I accept my mistake director. I'm the sole responsible one for this.

Director: (shouts) :Of course you are!! I shouldn't have trusted you and your stupid invention!! I should be slapped! Now why are you standing mute!! What will we do now? Imagine what will happen if their parents come to know about this? Our college's reputation will be gone forever. Along  with that, you'll be put behind bars, do you understand?

Pr. Amar stood defiant. Not muscle in his face moved. He took a deep breath and continued.

Pr. Amar: I'm ready to accept the punishment by the law, but it's my responsibility to fix the upturned lives
of my students. I can't let them suffer for a lifetime. That is worse than death!

Director: So what are you gonna do?

Pr. Amar: I'll talk to them sir...

In the clinic..

Sooraj was sitting silent with a blank face. He was unaware of what was going on between the professors and seemed confused. He found out that he was wearing skirt and stockings instead of pants and socks. A bush of long, thick black curly hair was lying behind him with a white hairband on top. His chest felt heavy and felt something being tied across his chest. He moved his hands and fingers, careful not to touch any of the body parts. He felt suffocated.

In the meanwhile, Nila regained her consious state. She opened her eyes and sat upright on the bed.

Nila: Where am I?

She was shocked to find out that her voiced had become gruff. She touched her face and found out that her soft cheeks were replaced by a skin that felt like rough sandpaper, with a moustache. She felt taller and more stronger than before, with abs and muscles. Her hands looked more big and rough.

Nila: I'm a boy!

She turned aside and found Sooraj in her body. Her eyes turned wide

Nila: You are me!

Sooraj (with a cold face): Yeah.

Nila (exclaims): I can't believe that I became a boy! Well, your body feels kinda heavy. Especially these hands! Seems like you eat too much (laughs)

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