23. Two souls; Different Bodies

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It was around 4:30 when they got out of college. The classes and the doorways were empty and all the students had already made their way back home.

Sooraj: Ah, I feel much better walking now.

Nila: These are the shoes for my gym class. Don't make them dirty. Okay?

Sooraj: I won't

They went to the bus stop to board the bus.

Sooraj: We are going by bus? What about your bicycle?

Nila: Well, let it remain in the shed today. It's already late and I also need to show you my home. Where's exactly your apartment?

Sooraj: It's nearby. Only a few blocks away.

Nila: You've got a shift today?

Sooraj: As it's Friday, I don't have. But tomorrow, you have a shift at the supermarket. Don't forget that.

Nila: Yeah I'll remember.

They boarded the bus. After sitting silent for a moment, Sooraj asked her

Sooraj: What do you do after reaching home?

Nila (shouts): why are you asking that?

He narrowed his eyes.

Sooraj: You forgot about our present condition? Morever, Pr. Amar told us one more thing can't you remember

Pr. Amar:  See, I know that you consider each other as enemies and detest each other. But during this state, if you continue to be like that, you won't be able to tackle this situation. You must help each other out. For that, you must forget your enmity for two months. Understand?

Nila (coldly): Yeah I know.

Sooraj: The moment we switch back, we can continue being the same. Deal?

Nila: Yeah, deal.

After getting down, Nila led him towards a narrow lane. She stopped in front of a house with thatched roof. The garden was filled with exotic flowers and vines. The house was surrounded by long white fences.

Sooraj: This is where you live?

Nila: Yeah

Sooraj: I must say your home looks beautiful

Nila (smiles): Thank you. All credit goes to my mom. She loves gardening.

Sooraj: Talking about that, is your mom home?

Nila: I guess. She comes home early. Reethu and Reena would only arrive at five. My dad would be late.

They stood silent for a moment.

Nila: Are you sure you'll be able to convince them?

Sooraj: Ahm..Ill try my best. How is your mom?

Nila: She's sweet but goes violent if you don't listen to her. But don't worry, she's a kind-hearted person. As for my dad, he's a very calm and practical person. I always share my things with dad. As for my sisters, Reethu is kinda irritating and annoying. Reena is introverted and studious in nature.

Sooraj: How should I talk to your mom?

Nila: Just talk to her like you talk to your mom. Don't worry.

Sooraj: Fine. It's getting dark. I guess you must leave right now. Mom would be waiting. Hope you have my address.

Nila: Okay. Don't forget the things I've said and also the rules. I'll call you when I reach there. Keep me updated.

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