29. Shock for the Duo

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"Trust me, it's a better option"

Nila was trying to convince Sooraj in order to proceed their plans. However Sooraj wasn't sure of this. Still he agreed.

Sooraj: Okay, we'll tell them

Nila: Great. I'll bring Avinash and you bring Riya. We'll have the discussion at the stack room near the computer lab. Don't be late. Convince her somehow and bring her here.

Sooraj: Fine I'll do it.

That afternoon

Avinash: What are we doing here? You said you wanna talk right? We could have probably gone to the canteen or library.

Nila: There will rush at both  places. It's better that we discuss it here.

Avinash: Is it too confidential?

Nila: Of course.

Avinash: Then proceed. Whom are you waiting for?

At the same time Riya and Sooraj entered the room.

Riya: What are we doing here? Why is Sooraj standing over there with Avinash? Girl I'm noticing that you have been talking to Sooraj recently. What's going on between you two? (looks in suspicion)

Sooraj: Nothing! I brought you here to explain regarding the same. Come here.

Avinash: I don't understand. What's going on here? Why are they here? You've got to be hiding something from me!

They closed the door.

Riya: Didn't you guys get another place than this dark dingy stack room. God this dust!! (covers her nose)

Nila: Sorry guys. As this matter is a bit confidential, we couldn't think of a more secure place than this.

Riya and Avinash exchanged looks.

Riya: Okay what do you wanna tell us?

Nila and Sooraj looked at each other. Riya and Avinash waited for them to answer.

Nila: You tell

Sooraj: No you tell

Nila: I can't. You tell

Sooraj: You are the one who came up with this idea right? Go on. Tell them

Riya and Avinash lost their temper

Riya: Will anybody tell what the heck is going on? Seriously have you guys  taken us for a dunce? Just spill the beans or I'm leaving!! (prepares to leave)

Nila: Riya Wait!! Don't go! I'll tell.

Both of them looked at her.

Nila: The thing is..I and Sooraj are stuck up in a weird condition.

Riya (stares): What the heck? You are Sooraj!!

Sooraj: No. She's is Nila and I am Sooraj.

Riya and Avinash: WHAT??

There was a sudden hiatus.

Riya: Really are you guys mad or what ? Saying nonsense in front of us!!

Avinash: It's like that scene from that Jackie chan movie-,he's me and I'm you (laughs)

Sooraj: Shut up! We are trying to tell you about the crisis we are facing and you are laughing!

Avinash: Ah girl, shut up. Don't try to drive us mad!!

Sooraj: You moron!! I'm not a girl I'm a boy!! (boxes his ears)

Riya: Nila Stop! What are you doing?

Nila: This is kinda fucked up!! Ahhh!! Guys stop it for a moment please!!

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