30. That Time of the Month

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Tap tap tap

Nila was copying documents one by one. It was a hectic task and her shoulders were hurting. Two days before, the manager had yelled at her for submitting the work late. As she was busy typing, Eleanor came towards her.

Eleanor: Seems like you've piled up with work!

Nila: Yeah. God this is so Mechanical. Wish I could find a work which is way more easier.

Eleanor: But you said you liked working on computers. Morever, it's a less tiring job, compared to others.

Nila: Yeah but my shoulders are aching from all this tapping. Aah it hurts!!

After the long hectic schedule, Nila strolled down the road towards the bus stop. It was freezing cold and she was wearing a thick jacket and muffler. The wind was scurrying away

Nila mv: This life is so tiring. I hardly even get time to rest. Managing work, studies and a whole department in one hand is a herculean task! I wonder how he manages all these. I must say-he's quite hard-working.

Next morning, At Nila's house

Sooraj was doing his usual morning routine and hair while he noticed a small red pimple on the left cheek. It was never there before

Sooraj: How come this pimple come here inspite of doing  all these skin care night routine? Hmm..Strange.

At the college..

Sooraj ran towards Nila who was affably walking towards the head student office. He overtook her and stood there, panting.

Sooraj (puffing): How many times should I call you? Can't you turn back for a moment?

Nila: I didn't hear. Seems like these ears of yours are defective.

Sooraj: Now you're driving me mad again! Okay leave that, you know what? Good news for you. Everything between your friends have got solved!

Nila: Oh, That's great. Now  don't mess up again.

Sooraj: I won't. We went to the mall yesterday and took these pics at the studio. I must say, you have cool friends (shows the pics)

Nila (wonders): Huh, really? Seems like you're enjoying yourself as me a lot, big boy!

Sooraj: What's wrong in that anyway?

Nila: You are enjoying yourself while I'm stuck up with all your work and hectic schedule. I don't even get time to rest peacefully. Morever your managers taunts are driving me mad. I need a break now.

Sooraj (laughs): Seriously now you really got to experience my life! Indeed I was troubled by my own life problems until I switched places with you. Your life is so carefree, cheerful, bouyant and simple. Indeed girls lives are so amazing!

Nila: Hey! Don't take my life too carelessly. I too have my problems. You won't understand.

Sooraj: Not as much I do. I just wanna live and enjoy your life until we switch back. Till then, take care of my schedules okay?

Giving a mock grin, he ran away.

Nila: Ran away. Idiot! But why do I have a feeling that I'm forgetting something?

During the third hour, At physics lab

As usual, the third year students of chemistry and computer science were doing a practical session at the laboratory. Pr. Robert was supervising the entire session.

Pr. Robert: Make sure that the readings are accurate, or you won't get the correct answer.

As the session was going on, Sooraj felt giddy and he sat on the chair. A sharp pain shot up from his underbelly and he winced in pain.

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