42. Fallen for the Other

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Next morning..

Sooraj, wake up..We have reached.

Sooraj slowly squinted his eyes and found out that it was morning already and they were inside the campus. All he could remember was watching a movie during the return journey. He had no idea when he had fallen asleep.

Sooraj (yawns): Oh, Have we reached already?

Nila: Yes. Let's unload the bags. Get up.

He stretched his arms and got up. One by one, they unloaded their luggage and got down the bus. Their friends were waiting outside.

Riya: Hey guys! How are you planning to go now?

Avinash: I'll take a bus from here.

Sooraj: Me also.

Nila: Me too.

Judith: Your dad won't come to pick you up?

Nila: No. He has gone for a conference at Northampshire. Morever My mom, Reena and Reethu will be busy now as they have classes and work. So I have to go by bus.

Riya: No need. My mom will bring our car now. We'll drop you home.

Nila: Huh, no need for that. I'll take a bus from here.

Riya: Are you nuts? You'll carry all this luggage all the way home! No need. We'll drop you home. Heard me?

Nila: Okay fine. By the way, I need to use the washroom . Anyone else?

Alex: Yeah I'm coming along.

They went to the classroom and many of the students left  the campus.

Riya: The trip was so fun. I'll never forget in my entire life. It was the best trip ever!

Alex: Yes. I'm gonna miss it.

Judith: We were able to create so many beautiful memories before leaving.

Marshall: Yeah you're right.

Susan: Do send me all our photographs George as soon as you get back.

George: Yeah sure.

Nila and Sooraj were standing at the corridor. None of them spoke for sometime. To them, the silence seemed soothing.

Nila: So, what are you gonna do after going home?

Sooraj: Nothing peculiar. Freshen up, eat breakfast and nap. I have a shift during afternoon.

Nila: okay. I also need a rest. Thank God I have my spare key.

A gentle breeze was blowing.

Nila: I'll never forget this trip. I've never enjoyed this much before. Those days will remain eternal in my memories

Sooraj: Mine too.

All of a sudden, her phone started to vibrate.

Nila: It's Riya. Guess her mom's here. I gotta go. See you next Monday in class. Bye. (waves her hand)

Sooraj became nervous for a moment

Sooraj (nervously): Wa...wait.

Nila (turns): What?

He opened his mouth to say something but  words remained stifled in his throat. His throat went dry.

Nila: Do you have anything to say?

Sooraj: I wanted...to say....take care and....message me when you get back.

He completed the sentence abruptly. Nila smiled and gave him a hug. He went blank for a moment.

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