A New Beginning

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"W-wwh-what do you mean you could help with that and m-mma-may I know who you two are," izuku asked the two individuals that were in front of him."Oh right we forgot to introduce ourselves" chuckled the boy with blue hair as he was scratching the back of his head."I am the king of the Jura Tempest federation and the most powerful demon lord in my world Rimuru Tempest and I am also a slime." Said Rimuru as he transformed into his slime form.

"And, I am the ruler of The Grate Tomb Of Nazarick The Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown" exclaimed Ainz

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"And, I am the ruler of The Grate Tomb Of Nazarick The Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown" exclaimed Ainz

"W-w-well m-my name is" "That won't be necessary we already know who you are, izuku midoria, and would you stop with that incoherent stuttering, it is getting annoying" ainz interrupted

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"W-w-well m-my name is" "That won't be necessary we already know who you are, izuku midoria, and would you stop with that incoherent stuttering, it is getting annoying" ainz interrupted. Izuku not wanting to anger him tried to calm himself down."Well then shall we get down to business," said Ainz. "And, what business would that be"asked izuku "Have you already forgotten what we just said, we have come to give you power," said Rimuru.

"wait really " replied izuku "Yes really " replied ainz. Izuku then had a puzzled look on his face "If I may ask Out of all the people in this world why choose someone like me?" questioned izuku.

"The reason I chose you is simple I am sick of the cruelty and unjust of this world and how people think that just because they have the power they can rule over the weak and helpless even some of these so-called heroes do this for only fame and Fortune but you are different izuku you no longer see the world through rose-colored glasses, you have experienced the truth of this firsthand and yet you stand even after all the Humiliation and anguish you had to go through you still stood your ground. And, that is why I have chosen you to be my successor," said Rimuru

"As for me I hate how this society judged and cast away many based on their powers some of these people have the potential to be great if trained properly, but it infuriates me to know that their gifts are rotting to waste. I also know you feel the same way izuku and even in the face of despair and adversity you persevere through and for that, I greatly admire your determination" replied ainz.

Izuku was in utter shock, to say the least, "so what do you say izuku?" asked Rimuru as he was bouncing towards him."Not so fast rimuru while we did offer him our power I would like to ask him a question" replied ainz as he also walked towards izuku." what is your question mister Ainz Ooal Gown?" asked izuku "just call me ainz izuku, and my question is once you get a hold of our power how will you use it?" asked ainz

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