It begins pt 3

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His assailant was wearing a power suit that looked like a dragon.  "Who are you," asked Bitchmight the assailant only touched a button on his helmet and revealed his face. "No it can't be," said Bitchmight as Izumi couldn't believe it either the person who attacked him was someone he saw only in the pictures Inko kept the true father of Izuku and Izumi it was no other than Hisashi Midoriya standing before him. "Get up I'm not done with you yet," said Hisashi as he was ready to fight.


"Tell me are you Hisashi Midoriya," asked Bitchmight as he then stood up "Yeah so what," said Hisashi "How are you alive," asked Bitchmight "It's simple and I am here to make you pay for what you did to My son but first things first," said Hisashi as he got out a potion and splashed it on bitchmight and felt better than he ever did as he started to revert to his prime. Bitchmight couldn't believe he felt amazing as he noticed that the wound he received from AFO was completely healed.

"H-how can this be" asked Bitchmight "Simple I asked Izuku to make a potion that would heal that wound of yours," said Hisashi "Why would you do that," asked Bitchmight "So there can be no doubt that I beat you at your strongest," said Hisashi as he pressed the button on his helmet again to close it "no more talking let's fight," said Hisashi "what about Inko what would she think of she saw you like this," asked bitchmight trying to reason with him "oh I believe she would enjoy the show," said Hisashi as the helmet had a built-in video feed and Inko who was back at the kingdom was was watching with some popcorn.

"Allmight let us help you together we can take them down," said one of the heroes as Izuku snapped his finger and a light green force field surrounded them along with Nana and AFO in a different one and expanded the area inside. "I won't let you interfere but if you want to fight that much I play with you guys after all I wouldn't want to get rusty," said Izuku as he walked towards the heroes who were scared and shaking as he got closer for them.

As Izuku made a force field Nana jumped to where AFO crashed as Hisashi was fighting bitchmight. "I know that did not do you in come out," said Nana as AFO erupted out of the ruble Nana just looked at him unimpressed "Do my ears deceive me, or is that you Nana Shimura," asked AFO as Nana only splashed AFO with the same potion hisashi used on bitchmight. Soon AFO was restored to his prime as well "So it is you Nana came to die by my hands again" laughed AFO. "Things are much different this time AFO because this time I am going to kill you," said Nana as she looked at AFO with hatred and got ready to fight.

Hisashi fight

"Now then let's begin, oh, and be the way this suit is designed especially for you," said Hisashi as he got in a stance.

"Hisashi please don't do this" pleaded Bitchmight "I thought it told you," said Hisashi as he rushed at Bitchmight at an insane speed "No more talking," said Hisashi as he punched Bitchmight in the stomach and the roundhouse kicked him in the fac...

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"Hisashi please don't do this" pleaded Bitchmight "I thought it told you," said Hisashi as he rushed at Bitchmight at an insane speed "No more talking," said Hisashi as he punched Bitchmight in the stomach and the roundhouse kicked him in the face sending him crashing into the force field. Bitchmight was struggling to get up as Hisashi started to walk over to him "damn it, I have other chose than I have to beat him and help Nana" thought Bitchmight as he got up and throw a punch at Hisashi with a powerful punch that generated a bunch of dust to cover their vision as the dust settled bitchmight was shocked to see Hisashi blocked the attack with his left arm.

"Pathetic," said Hisashi as he grab bitchmights arm pulling him closer, and then head butted causing Bitchmight to stagger as Hisashi kick him in the stomach causing Bitchmight to crouch in pain as Hisashi grabbed bitchmight hair lifting him and sated to punch his body tossed him to the ground. "Is this it, is this all you can do number one I am so disappointed" said Hisashi as he continued to punch him in the face making him bleed through his nose and mouth.

Bitchmight then grabbed Hisashi's left leg and pulled it causing him to fall to the ground he used this opportunity to lift him and slam him to the ground and continued to do it again and again before spinning around at such a high speed that it caused the dust and the debris to swirl around him as he let go of Hisashi a leg making crash into the force field. Bitchmight then coughed out blood and was breathing heavily as he kneeled to the ground trying to catch his breath.

"Not bad I give it a 5.2," said Hisashi as Bitchmight could not believe that he was standing after that "Let's continue shall we," said Hisashi appearing before Bitchmight and slamming his head into the ground pulling him back up using his quirk on to burn bitchmight as he screamed in pain as Hisashi flames burnt his hero suit and his skin.

Hisashi then stopped and looked at Bitchmight "The pain you are feeling is nothing compared to what Izuku's I am going to make you and that worthless child you call a daughter suffer" said Hisashi as was going to use his quirk again but Bitchmight punched him in the head then kneed him "I know I can't make up for what I did but I will not let you hurt anybody else" said bitchmight as he grabbed hisashi helmet and through him up in the air before jumping after him.

"This time I am going to use every last bit of my power into the final punch even he wouldn't be able to get back up from this," thought bitchmight as he reared back his right arm "The only reason why my other punches didn't work is that I didn't want to hurt you but now I have no choice so take this United States of smash" yelled bitchmight as he punched Hisashi helmet and both came crashing down back on the ground as the punch generated a small tornado that sucked up all the debris and dust in the area.

The news helicopters that were filming the entire fight along with everyone else watch to see what happens and saw Bitchmight standing with his fist in the air the people were cheering for him as they saw him victorious. "Now I have to help Nana," said bitchmight but that all changed when they heard these words (repair module activated).

Bitchmight then turned around and to his horror saw Hisashi coming out of the crater and the damage he caused to the suit was being repaired before his eyes. "Now that was a good attack I give it a 6.9 at best," said Hisashi as he looked to his right and saw Izumi and smiled.

Izumi tried to go over to bitchmight only to be stopped by Shoto "Let me go I have to do something" said Izumi as they didn't release her "Izumi if you go out there you'll die" said Shoto as Izumi kept resisting and Shota then eluded her quirk to seal Izumi in ice and watch what would happen as they knew they could do nothing but watch.

"Since you showed me your ultimate attack, let me show you mine, but first fire chains," said Hisashi as chains made of fire wrapped around albitchmight making him unable to move. Hisashi then started to gather energy everyone saw flame coming out of his armor and used both his quirk to spew out fire and used his magic to create a dragon made out of the fire.

 Hisashi then started to gather energy everyone saw flame coming out of his armor and used both his quirk to spew out fire and used his magic to create a dragon made out of the fire

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"Super tier magic fire dragon lords devistation," said Hisashi as bitchmight and everyone else couldn't believe their eyes. Hisashi then launched the attack at Bitchmight who had nowhere to run. He tried to block the attack but it was no use as the dragon opened its mouth and closed it once bitchmight was its body he screamed in pain as his flesh was being burnt along with his hero costume and once the fire was gone everyone was horrified by the now burnt bitchmight as he soon fell to the ground.

Hisashi then walked over and put his foot on the back of bitchmights head and spewed fire out of his mouth signaling he has won and used a portion to make him good as new "Its still not time for you to die just yet" said Hisashi as izuku smiled at his dad for winning as he restrained most of the heroes with stick steel thread and was making then dance like puppets with the strings. "Now time to see what Nana can do," said Izuku.

Hope you guys liked the chapter

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