A new start

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As Izuku looked down at the crowd he saw someone not moving to look up at him. The person in question was none other than Yuna As soon as their eyes met they instantly knew that they were similar to each other and that is when her father grabbed her arm and pulled her so that they could go to the center and get settled. Unaware that soon her life would change completely.


Everyone was in the center of the kingdom so that they could go to their new homes set down their luggage and go see the kingdom. Izuku noticed that there were a lot of people so he used body double to help the others out. "Izuku-sama you don't have to do this we got this," said one of his subjects "It's my job to help my people whenever I can, and that includes making sure they can go to their homes same for you Niki," said Izuku as they knew he wasn't going to take no for an answer "then we appreciate your help," said Niki as she bowed and they went to work.

"All right next person please," said Izuku as the person he saw was none other than Yuna "Hello there here is the key to your new home, and here is a map to where it is located don't worry the death knight will take care of your luggage," said Izuku "Right Yuna I go get everything settled in the new house you just hang out here," said her father as he left. That is when Izuku saw a scar on her neck "How did you get that scar" asked Izuku as she looked at him "Oh I got this from a bully when I was at school one day and he left this and now I can't sing because of it" said Yuna as she looked sad as she remembered how she used to sing for her mother.

"Well then let's see if I can fix that," said Izuku as she looked at him confused Then he got out a potion from somewhere and handed it to her "Here this should fix it," said Izuku as Yuna looked at it. "This will help you be who you were again I promise," said Izuku as she nodded and drank the potion that is when her body glowed, and felt her throat begging fixed. "Did it work?" asked Yuna as Izuku handed her a mirror and she saw her scar was gone "Thank you Your Majesty" said Yuna as she bowed and the people were amazed at this.

"Well if you want to thank me, I would love you to sing," said Izuku "Really is that all," asked Yuna "Yes that is all," said Izuku as she nodded before breathing in and out and closed her eyes before she sang.

(start at 1:34 and ends at 3:50)

As soon as Yuna stopped singing everyone cheered to her surprise and turned around and bowed to Izuku again. "Thank you thank you," said Yuna as she had tears of happiness flowing down her face. "It's no problem but how about singing another song" asked Izuku as the crowd also wanted to hear her sing another song. "I would be more than happy to," said Yuna as she got ready to sing another song as izuku decided to help and got on some instruments. Izuku then used some devices to broadcast it to the entire kingdom.

All that could be heard was the sound of cheering and clapping throughout the kingdom. "Looks like your famous now," said Izuku as put away the instruments "Now then let's get you home you must be tired," said Izuku as Yuna nodded as they walked to her new house.

They walked to her house and he showed her what his kingdom had to offer as she was amazed by it. "The first song you sang was for your mother wasn't it" asked iUku as she was shocked "How did" Yuna was about to ask when Izuku spoke "When you first arrived you were with your father and no mother and then I could tell you were speaking to her through your song" said izuku.

"Yes you are correct I lost her when I was young the reason I loved to sing was because of her," said Yuna "I can understand when my dad died a part of me felt empty but now he's back and I feel full again," said izuku as she looked at him "what do you mean he's back" asked Yuna. "I brought him back from death," said Izuku shocking Yuna "You brought him back from death how" asked Yuna.

"Simply, the power I wield is amazing that even bringing someone back from the dead is child's play," said Izuku "Izuku-sama can you please bring back my mother," asked Yuna as she was about to beg but Izuku stopped her "There is no need to beg it a kings duty to help his people," said izuku.

"As I said I can bring back the dead but I need to see her soul so that I can get a body for her soul to go into and if you would allow me to see in your memory I can get started," said Izuku as she was a bit wary of izuku looking into her mind "don't worry I won't see anything you won't want me to see," said izuku reassuring her. "Ok then," said Yuna as Izuku put his hand on her head and looked through her memories and saw her sing with her mother and saw her soul was a bit whitish with hits of yellow.

"So is that it," asked Yuna "Yep that's it, I keep my promises," said Izuku as she nodded and they were at her new house "We'll see you later," said Izuku as smiled at him "Thank you once again izuku-sama for everything," said Yuna "no problem" said izuku as he left and went back to the castle. "Looks like you had fun," said Inko as Izuku smiled at her "That is because I did," said Izuku "Oh was it with that person who sang," asked Inko "Yep her name is Yuna and she is just like me back then," said izuku.

"So she was also mistreated like you back then," asked Inko "Yeah exactly like me I guess that is why when I saw her I knew we were in the same boat," said Izuku "Sounds to me like you want to be there for her when no one was there for," said inko "yeah your right how do you know these thing mom," asked izuku. "Moms know a lot of things, sweetie," said Inko as she left and Izuku then smiled as he had some business to take care of as well.

Meanwhile outside of the kingdom

It was the dead of night as the city light lit up the night "Hhhhmmmm" yelled a teen with blue hair as he was tied up unable to move or speak as blood was flowing out of his mouth. Inside a house, his left leg a sliced off as Izuku was sitting on the sofa and a bloody tongue was on the table. "Yeah not so fun when you're the one who's suffering is it," said Izuku as he was at the house of the bully who gave Yuna the scar on her throat "Oh don't worry I didn't forget about you guys," said izuku as there were other bullies and their parents as well.

Izuku wasn't the only one there as Solution and Yuri was there with him. Izuku snapped his fingers as Yuri got out a bag and opened it revealing all sorts of equipment used for torture. "Well let's get started then," said Izuku as the sounds of blood-curdling screaming could only be heard by him as the house he was in was surrounded by a barrier.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, also I cried when I watched Belle those songs hit me hard

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