It begins pt 2

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AFO then went back onto the ground and checked the warehouse saw it was empty and clenched his fist in anger "Curse that izuku" said AFO as Souei received thought communication from Izuku "Souei what is the situation with Iida and his group asked Izuku "Izuku-sama AFO has appeared near the warehouse and took down three heroes" asked Souei. "well then let's watch a bit more and see what happen" said izuku as he ended the thought communication.


As Iuku ended the thought communication he watched the mirror and saw bitchmight break through the door along with the other heroes storming in and saw how they subdued everyone as Kamui Woods retrained them using his quirk but then as Dabi was about to use his quirk to break free only for Gran Torino to kick him in the head knocking him out.

"It's ok bakugo your safe now," said Bitchmight "What about my sister," asked Bakuhoe "Don't worry the other heroes are at her location and she is safe," said Bitchmight. "You think this is over we'll think again Kurogiri warp every last nomu you can" yelled Shigaraki but saw nothing was happening "What are you waiting for" asked Shigaraki as he looked at Kurogiri. "I'm sorry shigaraki but it appears that the nomus are gone," said Kurogiri.

"It's over shigaraki you lost," said Bitchmight "No, no I can't be defeated by the like of you, it was him I am sure of it, he is the reason why everything going so wrong," said Shigaraki as a was struggling to get up. "Who are you talking about" asked Bitchmight "damn him damn that izuku" yelled Shigaraki as they were surprised to hear Izuku's name "Wait you know Izuku where is he what is his location," asked Bitchmight but before Shigaraki could say anything liquid portals started to appear beside him and all around the bar and saw nomus coming out.

"Edgeshot stop Kurogiri," said Gran Torino "he is still unconscious," said edgeshot. They then saw Shigaraki and the rest of the villains were being sucked into the weird portals and so was bakugo as bitchmight tried to grab him but it was too late and he disappeared along with the villains. "Nnnnoooo" yelled Bitchmight as Nomus started to fight him.


Shigaraki and the rest of the people who were transported along with him were now at the warehouse and saw OFA "Master I failed" said Shigaraki as OFA put his hand on his head "Do not worry shigaraki it ok if you fail you have to grow so make as many mistakes as possible until you get it right" said AFO as he looked at bakuhoe "greeting bakugo I sure that shigaraki already told you we want you to join the league so what do you say" asked AFO "the hell would I join you guys you took my sister away and you expect me to join you well fuck you" said bakuhoe.

Just then bitchmight landed in front of the group "Ah allmight glad you could join us" said AFO "AFO" yelled Bitchmight as he charged at him only for AFO to send out black and red tendrils at Bitchmight sending him flying back. Bakuhoe then saw his sister and went towards her and picked her up and tried to run away but was stopped by Shigaraki "your not going anywhere" said Shigaraki as bitch might come back to fight AFO as more heroes started to show up.

Izuku's kingdom

Izuku then stood up from his throne as he saw the battle "You all know what to do it's time to show the world the truth" said Izuku as he opened multiple gates as his subordinates and death knight entered the gates. "Let the show begin," said Izuku as he went through his gate.

"You're going down" yelled Bitchmight as he and AFO were about exchange punches again only for everyone to stop what they were doing as they felt a powerful aura and saw multiple gates appear.

That is when they saw Izuku exiting the gate with his eyes closed once izuku was out of the gate he oped his eyes as they glowed green and he started to clap his hands "Bravo, bravo I must say that was a good opening act" said izuku as they did not move a muscle. "Why are you here" yelled Shigaraki izuku looked up and saw the choppers filming the fight "Then turned to his subordinates "You know what to do go," said Izuku as they scattered going in different direction.

"Don't you dare ignore me you-" Shigaraki did not finish his sentence as Izuku jumped over to him grabbed his face and pushed him into the ground "There now we have some peace" said Izuku then turned to AFO and bitchmight who were shocked by his speed. AFO then launched his tendril at Izuku who dodged it and followed it to see he activated Kurogiri's quirk and Magne which allowed them to escape.

"I will not let hurt Shigaraki," said AFO "I will deal with him later so it's no big deal but you might want to keep your guard up," said Izuku as a gate opened up next to AFO and a fist came out and hit him in the stomach sending crashing into a building. Bitchmight and gran torino could not believe their eyes as they saw who walked through the gate. Izuku only smiled "he is all your nana," said Izuku as the seventh user of OFA Nana Shimura walked out.

"Nana is that you," asked Gran Torino as she looked at him and smiled "My you have gotten old Sorahiko," said Nana then she turned to Bitchmight and looked pissed "I wish AFO had killed you on the day you battled his for the first time," said nana as bitchmight was shocked to hear those words coming out of her mouth "don't get distracted now," said a voice as bitchmight was kicked in the face and was sent flying back but soon caught himself and looked at his assailant.

His assailant was wearing a power suit that looked like a dragon. "Who are you," asked Bitchmight the assailant only touched a button on his helmet and revealed his face. "No it can't be," said Bitchmight as Izumi couldn't believe it either the person who attacked him was someone he saw only in the pictures Inko kept the true father of Izuku and Izumi it was no other than Hisashi Midoriya standing before him. "Get up I'm not done with you yet," said Hisashi as he was ready to fight.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter

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