The internship

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"I think I might have gone overboard," said Izuku as he got the Pleiades and their clothes and teleported to his room he then placed them on his bed as he was the last to enter as they all snuggled close to him. "Good thing the girls agreed for me to have a harem but just how many more women will I conquer," said Izuku as he went to sleep.


As Izuku was waking up he felt a familiar sensation on his dick he opened his eyes and saw Lupusregina sucking his dick as he grunted releasing his cum inside her mouth as she swallowed it all. "Good morning master," said Lupusregina as Izuku got up and noticed that she was the only one with him.

"If you are looking for the others they left early to prepare breakfast I stayed to take care of your delicious problem," said Lupusregina as they got up from the bed and started to put on their clothes as Izuku looked at her. She then teased him a bit by slowly putting in her stockings while showing him her ass.

After they were done they then went to the dining room where his parents and others were waiting for him. Izuku then sat down at the table while his parents were smiling "So did you have fun izuku" asked his father with a smug face. "I guess you could say that," said Izuku as the food arrived and they started eating.

When they were finished they headed to the throne room "Oh right izuku remember today is the day that Mei Hatsume girl is showing up for the internship" said his mother as Izuku nodded. "Don't worry I can get her on my side no problem" said izuku as he sat on his throne.

Then Souei appeared from the shadows "Izuku-sama I just received a message from Iida" said Souei "What is the message" asked Izuku "All he says is that he will be on patrol with a hero where the hero killer usually strikes" said Souei "alright thank you souei and if the hero killer shows up to notify me immediately" said izuku as souei nodded before disappearing.

"Looks like today is going to be an eventful day now let us get ready," said Izuku as his subordinates left the throne room to prepare. "Well then I am off to go get our new ally," said inko as she kissed Hisashi on the cheek before Sebas teleported her back to the company. "So when am I going to have a new sister," asked Izuku with a smile as his dad looked at him with his arms crossed.

"Well when is your mother and I get to meet our grandchildren" replied Hisashi with a smirk as izuku blushed "Should have seen that coming," said izuku as he sighed.

Meanwhile with inko

Sebas teleported inko close to her company away from prying eyes "Thank you very much sebas" said inko as Sebas bowed to her "You are too kind lady inko I was just doing the task I was given" said Sebas as inko smiled "I am so glad that izuku has people like in his life" said inko as she and sebas were walking to her company.

"Ah Ms.inko welcome back did you enjoy yourself," asked the receptionist as she looked at Sebas "Oh no need to worry I hired him recently," said inko as they made their way to her office "Oh before I forget when Hatsume arrives please show her to my office," said inko as the receptionist nodded as they left.

After a few hours had passed the receptionist then called inko letting her know that Hatsume was heading toward her. They heard a knock on the door "Enter" said inko as Mei entered her office. "It's a pleasure to meet you I hope I can live up to your expectations," said Mei as she bowed. "Sebas could you bring us some tea please" asked inko as Sebas bowed before he left the office.

"Please sit," said inko as she gestured to the chair in front of her mei then sat down and faced her "may I ask you something," asked Mei as inko nodded "Why did you pick me when there were others who could do a better job," asked mei. "To be honest a certain someone is quite interested in your inventions and is hoping you could work with them to achieve something great," said inko as Sebas came back with tea and handed a cup to Mei.

"So when do I get to meet this person," asked Mei as she drank her tea. "Oh don't worry you will meet him soon enough," said inko as her vision started to get blurry then her world went dark "Well that was easier than expected," said inko as she called all of her employees and told them to go home while sebas carried mei as all three of them then teleported to izuku's kingdom.

They teleported to the solar where Izuku was waiting while drinking some tea. "Hey, Mom did you bring her," asked Izuku as he put the tea down "Yep sebas please put her on the couch please," said inko as Sebas did as he was told. "Is that all you needed sweetie?" said inko as Izuku nodded before they left.

Then Mei started to wake up she checked her surroundings and noticed everything was different that is when she saw Izuku sitting in front of her "Hello Mei Hatsume let's have a chat shall we, I think that what I am proposing would benefit us both" said izuku with a smile.

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