The outcome

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"Oh, and by the way, the power I wield isn't a quirk," said izuku as he used his steel thread to Immobilize everyone except his mom. "As I said I came here to reveal the truth nothing more you might want to keep those pieces of shit because a war is coming nezu a war that will change everything," said izuku as he went to his mom and whispered in her ear before a gate appeared behind him "oh and thank for the give by the way," said izuku as he was holding the quirks canceling handcuffs before disappearing into the gate.


As izuku left the string disappeared releasing everyone "is everyone ok" asked nezu as everyone nodded only to hear a slap everyone turned around and inko was standing in front of assmight who is holding his cheek "how could you do that to my son he looked up to you and this is how you repay him" said inko "I didn't know" said assmight "of course you didn't know you never paid attention to him or his life you were quirkless like him and now you gave the only thing he ever wanted to a villain" said inko.

"Inko she is-" assmight tired to talk "she is not my daughter not anymore" interrupted inko as she was headed to the door. "Where are you going" asked assmight "I am going to get the divorce papers ready," said inko "I will make sure he signs them," said nezu "but sir you-" assmight tried to speak "oh yes I can you made izuku suffer all because he was quirkless I thought you would understand more than anybody but I was wrong you are just like your father," said nezu.

Inko then tried to walk out the door but was stopped by assmight holding her hand "inko please give me another chance " groveled assmight only for inko to use her quirk on her hand and punched in the face.

Inko then tried to walk out the door but was stopped by assmight holding her hand "inko please give me another chance " groveled assmight only for inko to use her quirk on her hand and punched in the face

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Assmight crashed into the wall embedded in it "it's Mrs.midoriya to you" said inko as she closed the door.

"Nezu what do we do about those five," asked Aizawa "they will be put on a tight leash and if they don't follow the rules we place for them we send them to Tartarus for life," said nezu "what about the sports festival," asked midnight "it will continue as planned we don't want the students to panic act if as everything is normal," said nezu as the teachers nodded
"Can someone take him to recovery girl?" said nezu as he pointed at the unconscious assmight.


As inko left UA she called her lawyer to get the divorce papers ready as soon as possible she then went to the old park where she would bring izuku and Izumi when Hisashi was alive. As she looked around she remembered all fun they had together as tears started to fall down her face wishing for that day to never end "I was a fool for marrying that trash maybe things would have been different if I never met him" said inko.

Just then a souei appears in front of inko startling her "forgive me I didn't mean to frighten you" said souei as he kneels "it's quite alright" said inko as she composed herself "so are you the person my son was taking about" asked inko "yes mam my name is souei and I will take you to izuku-sama whenever you are ready" said souei " alright let us go" said inko as souei grabbed her shoulder and teleported into the throne room.

As they arrived inko was shocked at how amazing the throne room looked "I know I was quite shocked with how it turned out" said izuku as inko turned around to see her son "hey mom" said izuku as inko ran to him and hugged him "I am so sorry you had to go through that all your life" said inko as izuku hugged her back as he tried not to cry. After a few minutes had passed they stopped hugging "izuku why didn't you tell me what was happening to you" asked inko.

"It's because your work was more important you help people get back on their feet when they lost everything I didn't want to be a bother," said izuku "oh izuku my work may be important but that doesn't mean that it's more important than you," said inko as she hugged him.

"Alright enough of this mushy stuff I still need to show you around," said izuku as inko stopped hugging him and smiled "alright lead the way," said inko as izuku showed her around the castle inko was amazed at how everything looked the respect people gave him.

As they were about to exit the castle inko not seeing gobta cleaning the floor with the toothbrush and accidentally stepped on his back "oh my I am sorry I didn't see you there" said inko as she bowed. Gobta looked at her and had hearts in his eyes " it's no problem at all in fact if you want to step on me again I will be more than willing you can even insult m-" before gobta could say more izuku kicked him away sending him into the sky "let keep going mom" said izuku with a smile as she was confused by what just happen but decided to follow izuku outside.

As they walked outside the castle she was amazed by how stunning it looked she then noticed a man with red hair and another one with glasses wearing an orange suit "what are they doing over there izuku" asked inko "oh well when I was at USJ I recruited these people who used to be villains, benimaru and demiurge are seeing what each person is suited for based on their quirk and knowledge" said izuku.

"There are some people I want you to meet but let's see the capital first," said izuku nervously as they walk around seeing what his kingdom had to offer from the houses being built to food being prepared "I know it's not much right but in time the streets will be filled people smiling and laughing without being judged," said izuku. "I know you will make that dream a reality izuku," said inko will a smile on her face "thank mom," said izuku as he smiled back.

"Well let's head back shall we," said izuku as inko nodded. They made their way back to the throne room where shion, Shuna, albedo, and shalltear are waiting "oh how are these lovely ladies izuku"asked inko " mom I like you to meet shun,shion, albedo, and shalltear they are my lovers" said izuku as he looked at his mom how was shocked "you mean these four are your-" inko tried to speak "yep" said izuku while blushing.

Then the four of them walked towards inko "it's a pleasure to finally meet you in person" said Shuna as bowed "y-yes likewise" said inko still in shock "alright you can speak with them later there is one more thing I need to show you" said izuku as he and inko left and walked down the hall.

"So what did you think of my kingdom mom," asked izuku "amazingly, I knew you would one day do something big and so did father," said inko as izuku smiled "well we are here," said izuku as they stopped and ate in front of a door " mom I think you better prepare yourself," said izuku "don't worry sweetheart after you told me you have four lovers nothing surprises me at the moment," said inko as izuku opened the door as it swings open inko couldn't believe what she saw as tears started escaping her eyes and dropped to her knees while putting her hand over her mouth because standing in front of the saw the man how stole her heart and gave her life joy. "Hello inko it's been a while," said a man with black hair, and diamond-shaped freckles otherwise known as Hisashi midoriya.

 "Hello inko it's been a while," said a man with black hair, and diamond-shaped freckles otherwise known as Hisashi midoriya

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(Ignore the cigarette)

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