New weapon and reward 🍋

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"No problem David now let's go back Melissa waiting for you back at the workshop, also I have an idea for a machine that could help get more people to join my kingdom, would you like to hear about it," said izuku as he opened a gate "of course I will help any way I can, oh also what about the body," asked David "oh don't I'll have entoma dispose of it," said izuku as they headed back to the workshop.


A few weeks have gone by since Melissa and David joined the kingdom and they had been a lot of improvements such as a device that scans the mines and pinpoints where the most ore is located. Also, support items that help the people who are in construction or other jobs around the kingdom better control their quirks. Izuku also gave them the robots he stole from I-island, mei was so excited, it was like a kid going into a candy store, and getting as much candy as possible for free.

Izuku was in his office signing and inspecting documents with shion and albedo. Just then he heard a knock on the door albedo went to see who it was, "izuku our little snowball is here to see you" said albedo as she opened the door, and eri ran towards izuku and hugged him. "I apologize for interrupting when you are so busy Izuku-sama," said cocutus as he entered the room and bowed to izuku. "It's not a problem at all cocutus, so how has my little snowball been," said izuku as he carried eri.

"She had fun playing with the other children, she even made new friends," said cocutus. "It's only natural for her to become popular she is our daughter after all," said shion and albedo with a smile on their faces. "Papa can you play with me," asked eri with pleading in her eyes. "Sorry snowball papa is still busy with work," said izuku as eri looked at him with teary eyes. Everyone in the room was freaking out, "hey how about when I am done with all this work we go to simons and try out the new candy apples he's been working on" said izuku hoping that would calm her down. "Promise," asked eri "of course," said izuku as he put her down.

"Ok, you promise so you have to keep your word," said eri as she got on cocutus shoulder. "Goodbye, izuku-sama," said cocutus as they left. Izuku only sighed as he sat down on his chair. That is when he heard another knock "enter" said izuku as kaijin entered the room. "Sorry to disturb you izuku I will come back another time if you like," said kaijin, "na it's ok what do you need kaijin," asked izuku. "Well if you have the time we have something to give you it's at the workshop," said kaijin.

"Oh really, well I'll be sure to visit when I am done here is it alright if I bring eri as well," said izuku. "Of course, well then I leave you to your work goodbye," said kaijin as he left the room. As izuku continued his work after an hour had passed izuku was on the last document and stamped his approval on it. "Finally I'm done said izuku as he stretched "well then let's go get eri and see what the workshop has in store," said izuku as they left albedo and shion were in front of him, izuku was focused on shion and albedos rears jiggling with every step that took, and trying to hold back the urge to rip off their clothes and make love to them right where they stand.

After picking up eri and a bunch of candy apples they made their way to the workshop which had gone a significant improvement and was now five stories tall. Izuku then entered the workshop "ah izuku welcome" said David as he welcomed them "good to see David I like what you've done with the place" said izuku. "It's thanks to you that we were able to upgrade this place," said David. "Well I am sure you're here to see what we made for you if you follow me please," said David as he led them to an elevator and used a keycard to access the elevator, and headed to the third floor.

When they arrived they saw mei, Melissa, kaijin, and kurobe along with others who David convinced to join the kingdom. "We welcome you izuku-Sama and eri-sama," said everyone as they bowed to him, izuku and eri bowed back to them "so what did you guys make for me," said izuku "over here," said mei as izuku walked towards her as she got a briefcase out and placed on a table, then entered a code and it opened she then turned it around and izuku saw two futuristic revolvers.

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