Heros rising

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Everyone cheered for Izuku as he got up and went to the Pleiades so what did you guys think of the song," asked Izuku as the Pleiades kissed him on the face "We loved it thank you for a great date," said Yuri "I'm glad you guys enjoyed it now lets go back home," said Izuku as they teleported back to the castle.


It was nighttime in Japan and an armored truck was being pursued by a car one of the car had the hero deadbolt along with another hero as they got closer to the armored truck and saw Spinner driving the truck "Freeze Villain" said the hero as his arm transformed into a machine gun "screw you heroes you're all washed up" said Spinner as he turned the steering wheel making the armored truck slam into the car as it pressed it against the side of the mountain where they were being chased. Soon Dabi emerged from the truck and used his quirk to make the heroes back off "Danm how did they find out about this" yelled Spinner in frustration "Looks like someone spilled the beans but the question is who" said Dabi as he continued to to used his fire quirk.

Just then more heroes in cars started to surround them compressed came out of the truck as well "They are persistent aren't they" said Compressed as he got out three marbles and threw them at the car the marble glowed and support beams appeared blocking the road as one of the cars crashed into the beam and causing the car to explode. "Looks like we are home free," said Spinner as he looked ahead and saw Endeavor and other heroes, endeavor then launch fire at them to which Dabi counted it with his own "Let's see how you handle this then Prominence Burn" yelled Endeavor as a huge wave of fire engulfed the truck "times up," said spinner as he and the others turned into mush as the truck then fell off the cliff and crashed to the ground.

The heroes then went down to where the truck crashed only to find out nobody was inside. "Looks like we were tricked they were copies made twice," said Hawks as they checked inside the truck only to see a high-tech life support system. "What or who were they transporting" asked Hawk unaware that one Soueis man was on top of a tree monitoring them "Izuku-sama should be notified of this," thought the individual as he disappeared into the shadows.

Unknown to everyone the individual escaped from the truck and walked through the forest breathing heavily as he approached three individuals who were waiting for him "You sure took your time nine" said one of the individuals "It was worth the wait the experiment was a success" said Nine as he turned around and saw a city in the distance as his eyes glowed yellow. "Now let's go get the final piece then our dreams will finally come true," said Nine as they headed down to the city.

Izuku's kingdom

Izuku finished reading a bedtime story to Eri and Kunou who were now sleeping soundly izuku put the book away and kissed them on their fourheads "Sweet dreams" whispered Izuku as he put the book on the bookshelf and headed for the door a maid who was experienced in assassination then opened the door for him to exit. Izuku then looked at two void soldiers guarding the entrance of their room "Maybe I should put two void soldiers in their room as well" thought Izuku then turned around and walked towards his room.

"What news do you bring" asked Izuku as Souei appeared out of the shadows "One of the void soldiers reported that the league was transporting something as the heroes stopped them only to find a life support system," said Souei "Interesting get in contact with the others and see what they were transporting," said izuku "yes sir," said Souei as he disappeared into the shadows. Izuku then reached his room opened it and saw his wife on the bed wearing seductive underwear izuku only smiled as he closed the door.

The league of villains

Shigaraki and the others were in one of their secret hideouts "So what happened to the cargo did those heroes get it" asked Clementine "Na we confirmed it was not in their possession" said Dabi "So what was the cargo anyways" asked Toga "The doctor said we didn't need to know anything about, I'll be back" said shigaraki went to the door and opened it then walked out.

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