A different perspective

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Izuku then put all of them on the bed and laid down in the middle of the bed as saw they were snuggled up to him and he smiled. "I wonder what tomorrow will bring I wish I could see the looks on their faces, now then what will you do now heroes," said Izuku as he closed his eyes and went to sleep.


Somewhere in Musutafu

It was morning and the sound of an alarm rang through the entire room which had posters of some heroes and some stuffed animals"Uu" grunted the person as they turned off the alarm soon someone got off the bed and got dressed then looked into the mirror to look at themselves.

"alright let's get this over with," said the girl as she left her room and into the hallway "Figure he wouldn't be here," said the girl as she made herself some toast and put grape jelly on it then headed outside she then looked at a picture of a ...

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"alright let's get this over with," said the girl as she left her room and into the hallway "Figure he wouldn't be here," said the girl as she made herself some toast and put grape jelly on it then headed outside she then looked at a picture of a woman next to the doorway "Im off mom," said the girl as left the house.

She soon arrived at her school and headed to class and entered "Oh Miss Yuna glad you could join us," said the teacher as Yuna took her seat as she was cursing the teacher inside of her head "I am only a minute late you asshole" thought Yuna as this was normal for her but she couldn't do anything as she was quirkless but it did not stop there as she was also bullied with others using their quirks on her.

Soon school was over and Yuna rushed home to get away from everyone. Yuna then reached her home and shut the door she then put her things away and went to the fridge and got something to drink as she did she sat down on the couch and sighed that is when she looked to her right and saw an old photo of her when she was a child with her mom and dad together. "I wish you were here Mom," said Yuna as she then decided to take a nap on the couch.

Yuna then woke up from her nap and looked at the clock and noticed it was nighttime and her stomach growling so Yuma went down to the kitchen and opened the fridge and looked to see there was nothing. "Great well better go get what I need," said Yuma as she closed the fridge and put on a hoodie, and left the house to go get something to eat knowing she wouldn't see her father any time soon.

She continued to walk around and that is when the news was on the screen and saw allmight fighting AFO. Yuna then saw Izuku and the others appear and soon a new battle broke out and saw Hisashi completely bodied allmight and saw Nana making AFO suffer. As the battle finished Izuku showed them everything and she know he was just like her and heard his message.

"This message goes to my brothers and sisters the time has come for you to step out of the shadows for the new dawn has arrived join me, join my kingdom for I offer you true peace and equality where you will no longer have to suffer the injustice of this society and as for those who resist and still want to cling to the old way I will wipe you out from this world," said izuku as he started to levitate along with nana and Hisashi as he also got the body of AFO.

Everyone was at a loss for words as the society they knew was nothing but a fake some refused to believe what they had just seen and were panicking as others were going to join Izuku believing they could finally be excepted as Yuna was one of them she soon ran home going to get everything ready when izuku would return. Once she was home she saw her father in the living room.

"Dad," said Yuna surprised to see her dad who was always working "Hello Yuna," said her dad "Hello Dad what are you doing here," asked Yuna "I assume you watched the news," asked her father "Yes I did" said Yuna "good I was going to call you but you entered the house, we better get packing then" said her father as Yuma was surprised by this "wait dad you are saying that we are going to join izuku's kingdom" asked Yuna "yes we are I have already notified the school you will no longer be attending and the company is going to be handle" said her father as he left to for pack.

Yuna then went to her room still not sure what to think of the matter "he came here from work just so we can move to Izuku's kingdom but why, Dad always prioritizes work before anything" said Yuna as she remembered all those birthdays she spent by herself even if her father got her multiple gifts it wasn't the same. "Maybe he is trying to make up for all those years but maybe not," said Yuna as she started to pack her belongings.

Meanwhile in UA

All of the teachers were in the meeting room along with Allmight who was wrapped in bandages "What do we do know nezu" asked present mic as looked down at his tea "Izuku did what he said he does people are panicking some lost respect for heroes entirely even some of our student are leaving UA" said cementos. "When Izuku left the people who were near were Izuku and the others battle they started to throw anything at me calling me a fake and saying return our hope, and they are right if I had just paid attention to Izuku non of this would be happening," said allmight as he looked at the ground.

"I heard the hero association was also getting some heat from the people as well, luckily they are a few who still believe in us but for how long," said present mic. "I think the first thing is to try to find a way for people to still believe in us," said Blood Vlad "I agree as well but how," asked present mic. "Izuku I now understand why you hate our current society and want to change but there has to be another way besides killing," thought Nezu.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter sorry for taking so long I will try to get another chapter out as soon as I can.

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