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"You have sharp skills if you can dodge that," said souei as stain turned to him "who are you another fake" asked stain as he got in a fighting stance "you may call me souei for in the name of izuku-sama I will be the last opponent you will ever face," said souse as he unsheathed his swords and pointed one of them at stain "is that so well let's see if you can back that up," said stain as they both prepared to strike at each other as a drop of water then from a pipe fell to the ground and there battle began.


Stain and souei were in a heated battle as their sword clashed and sparks flew in every direction as stain tried to cut souei to active his quirk as souei kept blocking his attacks then stain through one of his knives at souei only for souei to counter with his kunai as they bounced off each other.

Stain then did a downward slash as souei blocked it by moving his sword horizontally above his head then swung his other sword at an angle as stain moved back causing souei to grace his cheek "you pretty good I don't remember the last time I had a decent warm-up" said souei as stain was angered by this and charged at souei again.

As their battle continued they failed to notice that they are out in the open on the streets instead of the alleyway pro heroes were making their way towards them as izuku then jumped down from the roof causing stain and souei to stop "souei that is enough playing around we will have guest soon finish this before they arrive" said izuku.

"Yes forgive me izuku-sama," said souei as he looked at stain "I will finish this now prepare yourself stain," said souei as stain then jumped in the air and raised his sword above his head and swung down as souei stood there just as stain sword was right in front of soueis face it stopped along with stain as he couldn't move his body " w-what the hell did you why can't I move my body," said stain as he was struggling to move.

"As I said earlier I will be the last opponent you will ever face," said souei as stain noticed something shining in front of him as he looked closer and noticed it was some type of wire he then notices that it was on his sword wrist and legs. Then the heroes arrived just souei pulled on the wire causing stains hands and feet to be cut off stain screened in pain as blood gusted out where his hands and feet were.

That is when souei lifted stain using his thread and izuku used fire to cauterize the wound "don't worry you are not going to die just yet" said izuku as everyone heard stain scream in agony.

"Let's go souei we are done here," said izuku as grabbed stain by his hair "h-hold it right there i-izuku you are under arrest," said endeavor as he took a step forward, and izuku released his murderous intent.

"Let's go souei we are done here," said izuku as grabbed stain by his hair "h-hold it right there i-izuku you are under arrest," said endeavor as he took a step forward, and izuku released his murderous intent

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Causing everyone to stop in their track and were having trouble breathing. Unfortunately, a grey nomu with wings didn't stop as it swiped down and tried to grab stain only for izuku to summon his sword as soon as the nomu was close enough izuku decapitated it as its head rolled on the ground and its body crashed into the earth.

Izuku then looked at a certain roof glaring at shigaraki and Kurogiri who were scared shitless and teleported out of there. Izuku then looked at the heroes and turned off his murderous intent and the heroes were on the floor breathing heavily "hm weakling" said izuku as he was about to leave Gran Torino used all the energy he had just to talk "w-why a-are y-you doing t-this what do you h-hope to achieve" asked Gran Torino as izuku turned to look at him.

"I want to create a world where there will be no more sadness, no more hatred, a world where one can be themselves and not be judged by others," said izuku "then why all needless killing, if you wanted that to happen why not become a hero," asked Gran Torino "even if I did nothing, would change people I like would still suffer," said izuku. As they were shocked "what do you mean" asked Gran Torino.

"I have seen the truth of society how they favor the people with power and treat those without it like garbage and I am sick of it heros nowadays only want fame and fortune the only reason why they save people is to be even more popular," said izuku in disgust "when I got this power I decided to create a place where true peace will last what heros currently have is temporary because once allmight is gone everything will start to collapse like a house of cards," said izuku.

"Also you call it meaningless killing I call it justice," said izuku "h-how can you call killing justice" asked endeavor "your systems are flawed rapest, murders, abusers all of them are alive where is the closure for the families they hurt and made suffer to me that is not justice it's a joke," said izuku as everyone could hear the anger in his voice.

"Then what about the villains in USJ how come some of them lived" asked Gran Torino "that is because some of them didn't have a chose because of the way society is today, I gave them a chose to become something more than villains I gave them a chance to become people who would know peace and equality," said izuku as the heroes were speechless.

"Soon the time will come when you all will have to decide," said izuku "d-decide what," asked Gran Torino "where you be when history changes will you be the one who changes it, or will you be like ashes in the wind forgot not even worth remembering, I can't wait to see which of you will choose correctly," said izuku as he opened a gate and left.

The chapter has been done hope you guys enjoyed it.

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