Leaving a mark pt 1

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"Also that school has not changed since your disappearance and as for your other request it took me and my unit sometime but I have brought both it is ready whenever you are izuku-sama," said souei. "Thank you souei I will do that when I came back," said izuku as he got up from his chair " albedo, shion came with me and bring the death knights," said izuku as walking towards the door. "Where are we going izuku-sama," asked shion as izuku stopped and looked back at her. " I am going to leave a mark on this world," said izuku as he left for his room.


As izuku left the dining room he headed back to his room and lay on his bed with a blush on his face " so hot the female subordinates of rimuru and ainz are so smocking hot even the maids' ok control yourself izuku this is not how mom raised you but shion and albedo are thic not to mention Shuna and shalltear also have nice curves as well aaaahh stop izuku" he thought as he tried to calm down " ok I got to calm down think of something else oh like that school full of shit for brains you are going to massacre" said izuku as he had a grin on his face.

As izuku left the dining room he headed back to his room and lay on his bed with a blush on his face " so hot the female subordinates of rimuru and ainz are so smocking hot even the maids' ok control yourself izuku this is not how mom raised you b...

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(Imagine izuku)

"Yes I can't wait to see my old schoolmates again it will be fun," said izuku as he got up and left his room and went to the throne room upon arriving albedo, shion and the two death knights are waiting for him. "Well then shall we be off," said izuku as a teleportation circle appeared underneath him and the other and vanished.

At Aldera Junior High

"I can't believe that quirkless trash just up and disappeared I hoped he died the world would be so much better without those quirkless insects scurrying about," the principal said as he was entering his office. Upon entering his office he sees izuku in his chair with his feet on the table and hands behind his back with a smirk on his face.

"Hey it's been a while hasn't it principle," said izuku as the principal stood there shocked but quickly composed himself " well if it isn't izuku I hope you have a good excuse for disappearing," said the principal as he was waking toward izuku but was unable to take a step " w-why can't I move," said the principal "that would be my stick thread," said izuku as gets up from the chair and walks toward to him and punches him in the stomach causing to him to cough out saliva.

"Hurts doesn't it that is only a fraction of the pain I had to endure in this hell hole," said izuku as then albedo and shion appeared "izuku-sama all the preparation are ready we can begin whenever you are ready also it appears that the four of them are not here," said albedo "w-who are you two and what preparations," asked the principle "well that's unfortunate, oh well it can't be helped at least I get wipe these people off the face of the earth so that a plus," said izuku ignoring the principal.

"Well then let the symphony of death begin," said izuku as he snapped his fingers and two roars were heard throughout the building "what was that," asked the principal "oh that was the sound of my death knights about to slaughter the students and facilities here let's watch," said izuku as a monitor appeared out of thin air and showed the massacre that was unfolding.

"How are the death knights smaller" asked albedo "that is because I can shrink them to any size I want, in this case, I shrank them down so they can fit into the building," said izuku "that is amazing izuku-sama," said shion with stars in her eyes.

Meanwhile, the death knights were slaughtering anybody in its path one student tried using his quirk which launches a rock from his palms at the head of the death knight and bounced off it the student tried to run away only for the death knight to extend its fingers pricing his skull as blood sprayed onto other students who were screaming in terror and ran for their lives but it was pointless as the death knight chased them down. It decapitated one of the student's heads spraying blood all over the wall and floor it then pierced another student through the chest adding more blood to the floor and walls.

As for the other death knight it blocked an attack with its wings as it grabbed its attacker by the head and started to crush that student's skull blood was falling down his head screaming in pain hitting the death knight's arm in desperation but to no avail, until the students head popped like ballon as blood and piece of brain and skull scattered all over the floor it then knocked a teacher to the floor and started stabbing her stomach repeatedly adding more blood to its blade. She was screaming for help as blood started to come out of her mouth, but the other students ran to save themselves they tried to break the window but it didn't crack they tried using their quirks but it didn't work either and ran to find another way to escape only to stop and see one of the corpses move and stand back up its skin drains of color, its eyes deprived of life it ran towards one of the students bitting into their neck as he screams in pain as blood gushed out like a sprinkler as the student dropped to the floor and corpse started to eat the student flesh.

The students and teachers that were still alive started running desperately trying to find a way out as the corpses start to come back to life and hunted the ones that were still alive. "Wait I recognize those wings and long fingers," said the principal "I see you finally noticed yes those were once your student but now they have become something better and as for the others they are now ghouls," said izuku." H-h-how could you do this how can you just watch and be so calm about your teachers and fellow students dying," said the principal as through up from the gruesome site he was witnessing.

"Oh you mean the same teachers and students who mocked and make my life miserable not to mention you who always get a kick out of my misery," said izuku with hate in his voice "I'm sorry I was wrong please spare me I beg of you" pleaded the principal "spare you I have no intention of letting any of you live this is the price you pay," said izuku with a smile on his face "well it has been fun principal but I have a classroom to visit so see ya but don't worry I will leave the door open so you can have some company," said izuku as he opened the door and the corpses of the dead student bow to him as he walks down the hall

"Wait you can't leave me like this please please don't go" pleaded the principal." Enjoy your meal," said izuku as the ghouls screeched and ran toward the principal's office and start devouring him as he was unable to move due to the stick thread "AAAAAAHHHHHH" screamed the principal as one of the corpses bit the front of his neck and ripped out his throat as blood gushed out like a waterfall soon they opened his stomach and started to eat his intestines and his office now covered in blood "now let go shall we," said izuku as he made his way towards his old classroom.

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