Chapter 34: Hope

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AO3 Account: 1_Weeb_Writer_1

I do not own Yugioh characters or franchise(s), Belongs rightfully to Toei Animations. Series belongs to Kazuki Takahashi (Yugioh Duel Monsters) & Shin Yoshida (Yugioh Zexal Author) & Naohito Miyoshi (Yugioh Zexal Manga Artist). English dubs belong rightfully to 4Kids Entertainment & 4K Media.

"»»——❀✿❀——««" = Flashback breaker



You and Jane stumbled onto the top of a building. You didn't have an exact soft landing, both of you landed hard on the hard roof of a random building. "Just never fails where I end up falling on my ass." You mumbled as you got help from Jane to stand back on your feet. Jane and you looked over the city "We're really back here huh . . ." Jane stared at you when you said that. In a reminiscence way while looking down at the people walking by, carrying on with their lives. Not being too affected from the chaos going around the world with Duel Monsters roaming the earth like they did 10,000 years ago. 'I gave up my life in the future to come back to the past . . . My friends in the future gave me up to let me be here to save the past . . . To be home . . . I really am grateful for them . . . I hope - no - I know they will be fine without me. I at least got to tell them goodbye before I left to the past this time . . .' You were lost in your thoughts but came out of them when you held your duel disk. You had put your dagger in the back of your dress. Feeling the light breeze of brushing against your much exposed back due to the dress you were wearing. 'They believe in me being able to conquer my fate here. I won't let them down. I may not have their cards with me or them but I know they're going to always be with me.' You hugged your duel disk against your chest. The duel disk and duel gazer that Yuma last gave to you before you departed away. Things were going to be difficult going on from here but difficult or not you still had to push through.

You take your focus off of the innocent civilians to face Jane who was slowly starting to flash between visibility to being visible "My lady, you need to hurry and summon me as the 4th guardian. Or else I will be back to my cat form! Hurry!" You activated your duel gazer and duel disk soon after Jane said that. Your deck gave a white glow when you placed your hand over it. You drew the card that was on top and it was a blank card but it had a green description box without anything written on it. You held it out to Jane "Come Forth! Maiden Jane: The Golden Knight!" You shouted and Jane was sucked into the card after you called it out. When you glanced back at the card, it was no longer blank. It had a golden knight image upon the card now. You deactivated your duel disk and held the card that glowed a beautiful light green before Jane was standing right in front of you again but her armor shattered to have her be in the same dress from the ball. "You can now summon me as a Duel Monster card. I am now able to stay in this form and help guide you against Dartz, my lady." Jane was relieved she was not in that cat form again. She missed having thumbs again. Being able to stand truly beside you as herself. Especially to help you now that you both were back in the past to finish off Dartz.

"What is the situation we are actually dealing with here?" You needed to know what was going to happen. Jane was the biggest lead you were going to have here since she saw all of this happen before and everything was saved in the end. The only addition to this that risked that from being possible was really your part being added into this new upcoming future you would be a part of being. Changing the battle outcome to anything with you being here. "Lets sit, this is going to be a difficult explanation for what's going on for now." You both sat on the edge of the roof. It was a little risky but you both had abilities to protect yourselves if either of you should fall. Jane began to explain about what has happened so far with the pharaoh and your friends here in the past. Yugi's soul being taken, Whose souls will be next to be taken, Mai being a part of Dartz's henchman for personal reasons, Talking about 3 specific other henchmen that were also involved in this, Dr. Hawkins and Rebecca importance of this operation, how the Kaiba brothers were involved in Dartz mess, the Legendary Knights involvement that connects to chosen duelists: Yami, Kaiba, and Joey, the duel against Dartz, and what the Great Leviathan Dragon is capable of.

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