cheat 2 - s.h

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it had been three weeks since you last spoke to Steve. it had probably been the hardest thing you'd ever done. Steve had done nothing but call your house phone, your bedroom phone, and he drove by your house once a day. he would knock on the door and beg for you to open up, but you never did. you really wanted to but you couldn't pull yourself to answer the phone or open the door.

it was a random Sunday afternoon when you decided you were finally going to talk to Steve. you needed to clear you mind and conscious and you wanted full answers. you got dressed into a shirt and dungarees which were shorts instead of trousers (pic at the end). you did your hair and put on a bit of makeup before running down stairs to get your keys, bag and converse.

you walked to your car and drove to Steve's house, hoping he would be there. you turned the corner where Steve's house was and saw his car in the drive way. you got instant deja-vu. the thought of what happened a few weeks ago. you felt the sadness overcome you. you parked your car behind his and got out. you put your bag over your shoulder and walked to the front door.

you took a deep breath before knocking. Steve's mum opened the door. she gasped and pulled you into a hug. her and around your waist and the other on your head. the hug felt comforting. "oh y/n. i'm so happy you're here! how have you been- stupid question, i'm sorry" she said, her sentence felt rushed as she spoke. she pulled out of the hug and put her hands on your face. "i've been okay. is Steve here?" you said, her eyes were filled with sympathy.

she sighed before continuing. she let go of your face and moved to the side so you could walk in. "he's in his room. i know what he's done is awful y/n and i wish i could have seen what they were doing. i would have stopped it immediately, but i know that he misses you. talk some sense into him please" she said. you gave her a small smile before readjusting your bag before walking up the stairs to Steve's room.

you knocked on the door gently. you didn't hear anything but you walked in anyway. you saw Steve, laying in his bed, his back to the door. he sniffled a few times before talking. "Dustin can you go away? you were just here. i want to be alone" you heard him say. the sadness in your heart grew stronger. "i'm not Dustin" you said, your body leaning on the door frame.

he instantly turned around and got out of bed. he ran to you and pulled you into a hug. he started crying on your shoulder. you put your arms around him and rubbed his back soothingly. "y/n. i've missed you so much. i'm so so so sorry for how i've treated you." he said through his sobs. your eyes filled with tears. "oh Steve. calm down please. why don't we have a talk?" you said, pulling him away.

he looked up at you from the hug and pulled you into his room. he closed the door and you sat on his bed. "you look pretty" he said, sitting down on his bed in front of you. you blushed lightly "thank you" you replied, shifting in your seat. "i just want to talk to you about what happened. i just want the truth." you said, looking down at your hands as you played with your nails. he sniffled once more then started to speak. "i honestly don't know why i did it. you were amazing to me and, god, i really didn't mean to. i know how
much effort you put into the relationship and i basically threw it back in your face." he said, tears falling down his face at a fast pace.

"i just want to know why you did it with her. why would you do that to me with her?" you said, this was what you wanted to know the most. why he did that to you with Nancy. "it just happened. she came onto me and i honestly wanted to stop. but she kept coming over which was pushing me away from you and i couldn't help it" he said, replying to the question. "did you have sex with her?" you sobbed out. you didn't want to hear him say it. "no no, god no. i did not do that." he said, replying instantly. you looked up at him and made eye contact.

"i want to make it up to you y/n. i don't care how long it takes or what i have to do but i want you and i want to be your boyfriend. you are the most beautiful girl who is intelligent and ambitious and i'm so sorry for how i treated you and i absolutely hate myself for it. please let me make it up to you" he grabbed hold of your hands. the look on his face was genuine. you looked down, the tears that were still falling down your face slowed but never stopped. "how do i know you'll never do it again? how coz i trust you?" you replied to his speech. "i promise you, i will never speak to her or associate myself with her ever again. i'll do anything to make it up to you. please, give me a chance" he said. putting a hand on your cheek, making you look up at him.

"okay fine. but i want to take it slow. i want to start off with a few dates maybe then we can progress. i don't want things to go fast." you said, looking into his eyes. a massive grin grew on his face. "oh my god, thank you. thank you so much. i will never ever do anything like that ever again and i'll never speak to her who shall not be named ever again." he said, you smiled a bit too and lent in. you kissed him for the first time in weeks. he made you feel like shit but he also made you feel beautiful, so here you were, giving him another chance to not break your heart. "i missed you"
he said, breaking the kiss. "i missed you more" you replied pulling him into a hug, pulling him down to the mattress. you both laughed as he put his head into you neck. you loved this boy.



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