scars - s.h

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HELLO LOVES! how have you all been? i'm so sorry i've been away, i've been focusing on my Joseph Quinn book but i'm back with a dad!Steve imagine that was requested on tumblr! probably has a lot of mistakes so sorry about that but enjoy my loves <3

you and Steve had three beautiful children. Aurora who was 5, Finley who was 3 and Lottie who was 6 months. you and Steve moved an hour away from Hawkins after the whole situation with Vecna finished, Steve wanted to get you out of there, keeping you safe. you wanted to leave immediately after seeing him almost die from those bats but he wanted to stay and take care of his friends which you couldn't argue with, he cared about them too much.

moving out of Hawkins had been the best decision you both ever made in your entire lives. less than a year after moving away you fell pregnant with Aurora and she changed your lives drastically. Steve wasn't just a babysitter anymore, he was a full on dad and he loved it. having his daughter made his whole perspective change and he loved her with his whole being. now Aurora was 5 and he was shocked at how quickly the time flew by, one minute he was changing her nappy's and now she's having full on conversations with him.

same with Finley, he was three and just starting to talk properly and Steve hated how quickly his kids were growing up, that being said, he loved watching each of them flourish into their own person made his heart fill with so much love. he always had to remind himself that he and you created them kids and he'd never been prouder. Steve hated to admit it but after the demo bats got him when he went into the upside down alone, he hated the scars that littered his abdomen and arms, there was also a faint scar surrounding his neck from the strangulation.

ever since Aurora had been able to remember things he always wore a shirt, scared the scars may scare her because let's be honest, they definitely were not the prettiest thing. there were ridges and bumps from the bats teeth and the scars weren't the worst thing, they weren't as deep as Eddie's but he was still insecure about them. he remembers when Aurora was 1 and she waddled in on him getting changed and saw the scars, running away from him in tears obviously scared of what she'd seen but you always reassured Steve that she wouldn't remember them and he shouldn't worry.

the last thing he wanted was his kids being scared about the scarring on his stomach so yeah he wore a shirt every day and never took it off in front of them. it was a quiet Thursday afternoon and you and the kids had just come back from the park. Steve decided to stay home and take a shower before you guys got back, he didn't know you guys would get home so quickly.

when you went to the park you were usually there for hours and hours but the kids seemed to tired to be there after about forty minutes of playing so you came back. Steve didn't hear you come in and decided it was okay to walk around in just a towel. he jumped when he saw you all in the living room watching the tv, the VHS player playing some random movie you'd found. Finley and Aurora turned their heads to see their dad in a towel and nothing else.

"daddy" Aurora said, getting up off the sofa and rushing over to him, wrapping her tiny arms around his leg. he tensed slightly, embarrassed that they could see his body and more importantly his scars. Finley came rushing over too, wrapping his arms around his other leg. "hi loves, how was the park" he said, running a hand through Aurora's hair as she looked up at him. "the park was fun but i'm tired" she said as her eyes looked into his. they were practically twins, he felt like he was looking in a mirror when he looked into her eyes because they were the same as his, maybe a bit lighter but they were practically the same.

Steve went to reply before Finley beat him to it. "what's that?" he said, eyes filled with innocence as he pressed his small pointer finger on the scarring. he fully tensed this time. you turned around and saw Finley stroking the scarring softly, Steve didn't want his kids to see his scars ever so seeing him in just a towel made your eyes grow wide. he'd never done this before. "oh- uhh, they're my scars bud" he said, embarrassment filling his body as his face turned a bright red.

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