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One by one they all shall fall.


My family was a bunch of cunts. My father would agree with me wholeheartedly. Im the only one like him. Im the only one with the Baratheon nature. I am meant to be queen. To rule. But unfortunately the world doesnt care about rightful firstborns who are clearly the better fit. They care if you have a cock or not. So i will never be queen. Not unless i sit on someones elses throne.

My mother wanted to name me after a flower but my father took one look at me and said warrior. Sasha. She will be beautiful and brave he told me time after time. I would make the kingdom great. After my birth my mother died shortly after of the flu. My father fell deeply in love again with Lyanna stark. We visited her in winterfell often but she was killed by a Targaryen. Father had lost two loves very quickly so he married for political gain. Cersei Lannister. He didnt love her he didnt even like her most of the time. They had three child after me though none of my siblings were treated the same. He loved me. It was like he knew that i was his. And his alone. The last piece of his first love. Sasha Rose Baratheon. He loved three women, my mother, lyanna stark and Me. so obviously Cersei hated me and the feeling was completely mutual. Her family was alright, her younger brother Tyrion was funny and her twin, Jaime was good with swords. But her children. My siblings... I should be queen. I am the rightful owner of that crown. Not cersei, not joffrey or Tommen, Marcella had less of a chance than me. Me. the firstborn.

But still the crown would be passed to my psychopath brother Joffrey. He should never hold the crown. He would start wars and burn bridges kill us all in his first moon. But as a woman i had no say whatsoever. But that was going to change.

Rightfully Mine // Ned StarkWhere stories live. Discover now