The wife

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'Good news?' Peter said approaching Ned in the throne room ned held a letter in his hands. 'perhaps you would like to share it with your wife?'

'My wife is in Winterfell' Ned told him.

'Is she?' Petyr grinned walking past him. Ned followed him into the city, down to one of Petyrs brothels.

'I thought she would be safest in here, this is one of the safer establishments I know-' Ned pushed Petyr up against the wall.

'you're a funny man you know that?' Ned said 'a very funny man.' he said strangling him

'Ned.' cat called from above, ned released Petyr and moved to the Brothel.

'The starks and their tempers,' Petyr muttered following him in.

'I wish I could see the girls.' catelyn said anxiously looking around.

'It's too dangerous.' what was she doing here why leave Winterfell? after everything she did, she was going to herself and them killled. she didnt even care that she was putting Ned in danger.

'just for a moment.' Catelyn suggested hopefully.

'Until we know who the enemy are-' Ned began

'I know it is the Lannister's in my bone they are not to be trusted I know it.' Catelyn assured him.

'If little fingers right I can't do anything without proof.' Ned reminded her.

'And if you find the proof?' Catelyn questioned.

'Then I bring it to Robert and Sasha and hope he is the man I once knew or hope Sasha can convince him.' Ned informed her.

'You've been spending an off a lot of time with the princess?'

'She has been assisting me helping me into this new position she knows of the capital and the people the laws she's very brilliant young woman.' Ned told her.

'Be careful I don't think she can be trusted either. I don't want to around my girls.' Catelyn informed him, walking off.

When ned got back to the palace he was in a bitter mood. Until he saw sasha. Long black hair flowing around her as she spun around dancing to a flute player.

'Ned!' she said happily. 'Dance with me.' she requested and Ned hesitated. Not because he didn't want to but because she was just too perfect to fall for him. 'its just a dance.' She reminded him grinning pulling him to her. he gladly wrapped his hands around. She smiled into him, holding him to her. it was like the rest of the world faded away. until her father spoke up and ruined everything.

'Showing an old wolf your tricks, Sasha?' Robert questioned coming up behind him. Ned tried to pull away but Sasha kept a tight grip on him. Smiling sweetly back at her father.

'On the contrary father, Ned is a wonderful dancer.' Sasha informed her, before turning back to ned the panic in his eyes faded, he relaxed into her again.

Rightfully Mine // Ned StarkWhere stories live. Discover now