113. Fire

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'That's what I saw in the fire' sandor told them 'Mountain Like an arrowhead' Sandor said pointing at the mountain ahead of them.

''Are you sure?' Jon question

"Yes, we are getting close.' Sandor confirmed. They continued on their journey.

'so everything went to hell?' sasha questioned.

'you were gone and the world went to shit.' Sandor confirmed.

'figured that would happen.' Sasha informed him. 'it was me that ws keeping that place running.'

'so you didn't know what the little cunt had planned?' sandor questioned.

'he said I was take ned personally to the wall.' She informed him. 'we left before sunrise and it was only a a week or so later that we heard the news of ned decapitation.' Sasha said glancing back at Ned. 'then still heading to the wall that's when the assassins started coming for me. so... we became someone else. I was doing a find job of keeping my status of alive a secret but... I don't know Sandor. I don't even know if I can do this.' Sasha told him.

'no, no, no the princess I knew never doubted herself. She was strong and courageous. Fearless. What happened to her?'

'I grew up. It became clearer to see what had been blurred in my youthful innocence.'

'I still think you are the queen we are meant to have.' Sandor told her.

'thank you. Maybe one day. But I'm focused on the dead first. We handle them and then we see if there is a throne to worry about.' That when they heard the grumbling of a creature ahead of them.

'That's a bear a big bear' one of the men said as they got closer,

'do bears have blue eyes like that?' jon questioned cautiously.

But it wasn't a bear or if it was it was mutated and large and it charged at them. They formed a circle and tried to fight it back, the beast kept charging towards them. they drew their swords, beric, and thoros's sword on fire smashing it into the monster but that didn't stop it,. The bear now ran at them burning on fire and it kept moving and kept charging at them Sandor froze. the flaming beast getting closer. They hit him, they stabbed him but the beast would not go down it ripped into them tearing them apart. Getting on top of thoros it took a bite out of him, shaking him as he bit into him. Finally Jon stabbed a dragon glass into him and he collapsed to the ground. Beric pulled thoros away pulling his clothes to see the damage.

'we have to get him to east watch' jorah told him. Thoros shook his head.

'go on.' He said after a sip. Beric cauterized the wound with his burning blade. Thoros gripped Ned's hand tight.

'Are you alright?' beric asked

'I just got bit by a big old dead bear' thoros responded with a pained laugh.

'You sure did.' Beric said helping him up. 'And survived to tell the tale.' Beric added. They helped Thoros walk. Thoros used Ned as a crutch as they walked.


As they continued on their journey the mountain getting closer and closer to Sandor's vision, Tormond stopped them hearing something ahead, unnatural noises. they peered down to see the army of the dead walking their pace slow as their swords and boots dragged on the ground

'Where's the rest of them?' jon questioned only seeing a dozen or so.

'We kill enough of them we are going to find out.' Tormond said grinning.

They attacked the group of white walkers it didn't look good but they were doing better against the white walkers than the white walker bear. They were fighting and fighting, they wouldn't go down but Sasha killed the leader and the rest crumbled to nothing but ice except for one. one remained thrashing and screaming and kicking this would be the one they brought back to Kings Landing. this would be the one they gave to cersei to show her that this war needed to be stopped until the real enemy was killed.

It screamed and screamed so sandor put a hand over his mouth but part of its skin came off in his hand

'Fuck' he screamed shaking off white walker goo.

They heard the marching of approaching soldier, more than this time, and fast approaching.

'Tell Daenerys and Tyrion what we found go!' Jon told Gendry. 'You are the fastest.' Jon told him. Gendry took off, back to the wall, they had the proof, all they needed was to make it back to them alive.

Sandor being the biggest and the strongest carried the bound white walker on his back, they made a run for it the army of the dead hundreds possibly thousands of them quickly approaching but they came to an iced over river. Their feet started to break the ice as they moved, walkers crumbled into the water as their little spot of sanctuary got smaller but they were safe. But there were so many white walkers the army of the dead circled around them. They were trapped now with thousands of white walkers surrounding them on all sides they were safe for the moment but they were trapped all the same.

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