136. Loyal advisors

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@sneakingsmith555 #sashathinkthisthrough

Sasha stood at the ege of the ship vomiting up her breakfast. Ned held back her hair as she wiped at her lips.

'sea sick? Nerves?" Ned questioned.

'probably.' She said softly her hands going to her stomach. Her face paled at the thought. She had too much to do. She didn't want her thought to be correct. She couldn't stop now. she had to finish this she couldn't let this feeling stop her, she couldn't let cersei or daenerys win. Too much was at stake. Ned wrapped his arms around her and she leaned back into him.

'everything is going to work out. Everything is going to be exactly as is should.' Ned assured her.


'Do you believe we are here for a reason?' Daenerys asked 'I am here to free the world from tyrants that is my destiny and I will serve it no matter what the cost.' she informed him

'It could be a fortnight for Jon and his army make it to Kings Landing... offer Cersei her life in order for her surrender, if there is a chance to avoid slaughter we should take it.' Tyrion told her.

'Speaking to your sister will not stop the slaughter but perhaps it is good that the people see that Daenerys stormborn has offered every chance at peace and that Cersei Lannister denied them that. They should know who to blame when the sky falls down upon them.'


'I have worked under tyrants my whole life' varys told tyrion 'they always believe in destiny.'

'She was a girl that walked into the fire with three stones and came out a woman with three dragons' tyrion reminded him 'how could she not believe in destiny?'

'Perhaps that is the problem. her whole life she has been convinced that she was born to save us all.'

'And how do you know if she wasn't?' tyrion questioned

'And there's the problem of Jon Snow and sasha Baratheon...' varys went on 'Perhaps it is actually a solution you know them both who do you think would make a better ruler?'

'He does not not want The throne that is why he bent the knee.' Tyrion reminded him

'He is a rightful heir and he is a man.'

'Joffrey was a man he had a cock and it didn't matter didn't make him a good king.' Tyrion recalled.

'It gives him a better claim though.' Varys said

'sasha cares for the people. Loves the people.' Tyrion told him. 'If she had the dragons and the armies I would put money on her. she is our best chance at a change... Sasha is the rightful heir."

'she was always a smart girl.' Varys agreed.

'At a certain point in time you fight for the person you believe in.' tyrion told him.

'Even if it is a mistake? Putting your trust in a woman with no armies, no dragons, who everyone thinks is dead?'

'I think she will do what is right with the help of her loyal advisers' Tyrion told him. 'we just have to figure out how to get her there.'

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