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Ned was watching the waves come in in the morning when he heard a beautiful little tune being hummed from above him. He looked up to see Sasha. She dove down deep into the water and watched as she disappeared under the surface, panic started to fill him when she did not come up for air. He kicked off his boots pulling off the shirt as he ran into the water. She emerged just as he popped up for air she appeared next to him.

'Ned.' she declared happily. A thin dress basically sheer as it soaked in the water. Leaving very little to the imagination. 'What are you doing here?'

'Sasha i saw you-' she wrapped her arms around his shoulders her legs floating loosing against his. '--Jump. I worried when she you didnt come up.' His hands moved to her waist and that was all the assurance she needed to wrap her legs around him as he threaded water keeping them up.

'Im an excellent swimmer'. Sasha told him. 'But thank you its sweet of you to jump in after me.'

'I...' he said but was at a loss for words as her face brushed up against his. Noses touching. This wasnt right but why did it feel so good?

'You know i used to swim and play in the water naked.' she told him a smirk on her lips. 'But father put a stop to that many years ago saying it was not right nor proper of a princess to be seen frolicking around bare.' she pulled closer to him. 'So now i wear this. It seems silly to wear clothing while swimming,' she told him whispered softly in his ear.

'Youre stunning' he said and it just slipped out. A smile on her face she pulled him closer and closer. His hands moving down her waist she smiled happily. She knew it was wrong. She knew it but she wanted him. She wanted this.

'Princess.' a hand maiden called. 'Your father was searching for you.' She called out to her.

'I will be right in. Thank you.' She looked past the hand maiden to sandor. 'he send you after me as well?' sandor nodded. 'thanks for the swim ned.' She eased herself away, swimming to shore.

Sasha walked out of the water out of the water her thin dress clung to her every curve as it dripped down her legs her black hair dripping down her back.

'Hound' sasha said sweetly stepping out of the water. He looked her over before pulling his cloak off and wrapping it around her.

'Princess,' he whispered as she pulled his cloak around herself. She smiled back at ned he stood in the water still waves crashing gently against his legs as he watched her leave.

Sandor offered her a hand as she walked her bare feet leaving little puddles along the floor. He knew from the smile on her lips and blush on her face that the man that occupied her mind was ned stark.

'Youre playing with fire princess,' sandor told her in hushed voices as they walked

'What do you mean?' She questioned still dripping throughout the halls.

'Lord stark? Hand of the king?' Sandor informed her

'He saw me jump. Thought i was in trouble when i didn't come up. Jumped in after me.' Sasha told him simply.

'Princess,' they reached her door and she forced it open.

'Sandor, he is a married man. I assure you, i have nothing but professional admiration for lord stark.' sasha told him. He followed her in taking his cloak back from her she held it out. He closed the distance his fingers wrapping around the damp fabric.

'Princess,' sandor repeated. 'You know your father would have his head if he-'

'Sandor there is nothing going on. He was worried that is all.' Sasha informed him.

'You know you only call me sandor when youre lying.' He remarked turning and leaving pulling the door closed behind him he saw her saddened face as the door sealed shut.

Rightfully Mine // Ned StarkWhere stories live. Discover now