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Ned was pouring over the book that Lord Ayryn had been looking at of the houses in the succession of the families when he came across the Baratheon chart

Black of hair

Black of hair

Black of hair

Steffon Baratheon Black of hair

Robert Baratheon Black of hair

Sasha Baratheon black of hair

Joffrey Baratheon golden hair.

He flipped the book closed just as Sasha walked in

'What is that look for?' sasha questioned neds face held shock. 'are you in pain? Are you OK? Do you need more milk of the poppy I can go get you some." she offered turning towards the door

'No,' he told her 'stay.' he hesitated glancing back down to the book in his hands.

'What is it what's wrong?' sasha questioned moving quickly to his side.

'I found some thing out.' he told her

'What did you find out?' Sasha questioned confused.

'Something that shows you are the rightful heir of the throne.' Ned told her, her face scrunched up.

'What do you mean?' she said softly.

'Your siblings are bastards. They are not roberts children. '

Rightfully Mine // Ned StarkOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant