His Problem

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'Thank the gods you were here stark' Jaime said sitting alone in the throne room, 'it's about time we had some stern northern leader ship'

'Glad to see you are protecting throne,' Ned said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice

'Sturdy old thing. How many kings houses have posted it I wonder...' Jaime looked him over a smug look on his face. 'I heard there was trouble on the kings road.'

'Very handsome armor' Ned noted 'not a scratch on it.'

'well people have been swinging at me for years but they always seem to miss.' Jaime informed him.

'You've chosen your opponents wisely then.' ned marked

'I have a knack for it,' Jaime assured him, the men stared each other down, assessing the other. 'it must be strange for you coming into this room...' Jaime noted 'standing right here where it went down, you're very brave your father too, he didn't deserve to die like that. Nobody deserves to die like that-'

'You just stood there and watched' Ned remembered.

'500 men just stood there and watched' Jaime corrected 'all the great knights of the seven kingdoms and you think anyone said a word, lifted a finger? No one... 500 men and this room was silent as a crypt except for the screams of course. And the mad king laughing. And I watched the mad king die.' Jaime informed Ned. 'I remember him laughing as your father burned,' Jaime went on 'it felt like justice.'

'Is that what you tell yourself at night? You are a servant of justice, that you were avenging my father when you stabbed your sword in the Targaryen's back?'

'Tell me if I stab the mad king in the belly instead of the back would you like me more?' Jaime questioned with a smug grin.

'You served him well,' Ned told him 'when serving was safe.' Ned pushed past him, he had work to do.

'Lord Stark.' Varys said, greeting him in the small council room, sasha lead the way happily.

'Lord Varys' ned greeted him. Varys clutched at neds hands

'I was very sorry to hear about the troubles you had on Kings Road, we are all praying for Prince Joffrey's full recovery.' Varys told him.

'Shame you didn't say a prayer for the butchers son,' Ned marked, sasha smashed her lips together to keep from laughing. 'Renley you are looking well,' Ned remarked

'And you are looking tired, you spent a long time on the road.' Renly remarked, 'you too sasha but you always were one to keep working. I told them this meeting could wait another day-'

'but then we have a kingdom to look after.' Sasha added. Ned looked around the group.

'I hope to meet you for some time Lord Baelish,.' Ned said hesitantly.

'No doubt lady Catelyn has mentioned me.' Petyr said happily.

'She has lord Baelish I understand you knew my brother Brandon as well.' Ned said slightly smug.

'All too well, I still carry a token of his esteem from stomach to collarbone.' Petyr traced up his chest.

'Perhaps you shouldn't of chosen My brother to duel with.' Ned remarked

'The man that I chose was a worthy opponent for the woman I was fighting for. I'm sure you would agree?' Ned just looked over at Petyr, perhaps it would have been better had Petyr won, Catelyn could be his problem not Neds.

'I hungrily beg your pardon,' Maester Pycelle said

'grand Maester,' ned said looking to the man.

'How many years has it been? You are a young man.' Pycelle noted.

'And you served another king,' Ned reminded him

'Oh how forgetful of me,' he reached into his pocket pulling out the hand of the King pin, giving it to Ned. Sasha picked it up though pinning it to him, she ran her hands along in before stepping back. 'shall we begin?' One look and someone would see Sasha staring at him. there's no one else here at council table to hide her or her sordid thoughts. So she kept her head down at the papers in front of her flipping through them uselessly to avoid the curious gazes of anyone watching. Just like she had been doing for weeks now, since she saw him again.

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