97. Ramsey

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'Ramsey...' sasha muttered. 'the little cunt.'

'winterfell is our home.' Sansa told him. 'we have to fight for it. But jon didn't want to fight anymore.

'I will fight.' Sasha informed him. 'let the women do the work Jon, you can bake the bread.' Sasha teased. 'you have done so much for this world. Let me fight for your home. Take that twat down.' Sansa nodded agreeing with sasha immedately.

'the Boltons are a force. We need more men then we have, better men.' Jon reminded them.

'or one. Good. Shot.' Sasha told him.

'you think you could take him down?' sansa questioned.

'I think I have been running for too long. Its time to fight back.' Sasha told her.

They were all eating, finding some sense of normalicy when a letter arrived and the peace vanished and jon was filled with rage.

'its from Ramsey.' Sasha said taking the letting from jons aggressive grip. She read it quickly. 'Ramsey is holding Rickon prisoner... he is demanding the return of Sansa. He says he will massacre Jon's allies, it is signed Ramsey Bolton... he was legitimized?' sasha questioned. Sansa confirmed that he was made a Bolton and looking over the signature she deduced that Roose Bolton was dead.

'Tormund how many men do you have?'

'2,000,' Tormund informed him.

'that is not enough to fight Ramsay's 5,000 by themselves.' Sasha informed him.

'we will rally the Northern Houses, those still loyal to the Starks,' sansa suggested.

'lets get Winterfell back.' Sasha declared.


While discussing strategy with Davos, Melisandre, Sansa, Brienne, Alfie, Tormund, Ned and Sasha, Jon bitterly notes that they simply don't have the numbers to challenge the Boltons at present. Even though the three most powerful houses are already backing the Boltons, Jon suggested rallying the weaker houses, as their combined strength would give them a numerical advantage when combined with his current forces.

'What about the Tullys?' sasha questioned. Ned was surpirsed she thought of catelyns family. 'surely they would support you. You are part tully.' She told sansa.

'Brynden Tully's recaptured the Riverrun,' sansa recalled 'with his support it would almost certainly guarantee the Tullys, their numbers would give us an advantage.' 

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