91. Little Sam

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Sasha didn't like the red woman. Melisandre had been trying to seduce Jon into bending the knee for stannis and she was a beautiful woman and Jon just man beneath his honor and courage. Could this fire worshipping woman suduce Jon into bending the knee? Sasha kept her hood high on her head as she wandered the grounds. Ned was speaking with jon when the red woman entered his office.

'a moment alone with the new commander...' the red woman said it as a request but there was venom in her voice. Ned planted his feet though, staring her down.

'it is alright Fa-Eddie.' Jon corrected quickly. Ned turned back to jon but he only nodded to his father.

'We will speak later.' Ned told him heading out. 'my lady.' Jon said as she walked around the office, slowly peeling away her cloak, draping it over the back of the chair.

'Lord commander,' she pured, a hand running along his shoulder, he looked up to her skeptically. 'You need to reconsider, you need to chase the rats out of your home, winterfell. You need to help stannis, and he will give you everything you could ever want.' She coed in his ear. But jon shook her touch from him. Standing up he told her very confidently.

'The Castle Black is now my home.' But she couldn't have that, she kept peeling away clothes, 'you should go. Be with your king.' Jon told her trying to keep his eyes off her naked body as she paraded around him. She touched his chest, pulling at his clothes.

'I am sensing a power inside,' she traced a finger up his neck, 'in your blood,' her lips grazed his skin but he pulled back.

'you need to go.' Jon told her taking in a deep breath. He loved one woman and this, what this red woman wanted was not love. It was a means to an end. 'Now.' jon demanded. She walked up to him still naked. Her face right in his she sneered at him.

"You know nothing, Jon Snow."


'Look at you! You like the snow?' sasha stuck her tongue out catching a snowflake on her tongue. Little sam laughed clapping his hands. she bounced him in her arms, spinning them around in the snow.

'you would make an excellent mother.' Ned informed her coming up behid them.

'one day... hopefully.' She said pressing a kiss to his lips. 'this is Gillys baby... he was being fussy and it looked like Gilly was going to start ripping her hair out if she didn't get some sleep.' Sasha told him. 'this place is no place for a baby, not a woman like Gilly either.' Sasha added. 'but she has sam. Both sam's.' sasha smiled down at little sam. He had fallen asleep on her chest, drooling into her. 'looks like I tried this one out.' Sasha moved back to the castle, finding Gilly asleep as well. Sasha put the baby down gently in the little crib before turning and closing the door quietly.

'Bastards.' Jon called over to them. ned smirked back at him.

'youre one to talk Snow.' Sasha reminded him.

'come on,' he waved them into his office. 'I'm heading out to deal with the rest of the wildlings. I want you to stay here.' He told them.

'No.' Ned said immedately.

'Agreed.' Sasha added.

'please you are among the few I actually trust here. I want to make sure everything keeps getting done while I'm gone. I don't need a mutiny.' Jon told them. sasha looked to ned.

'I will go with you. Sasha can stay and lead the men.' Ned suggested. 

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