Robb Stark

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Music played and people were laughing happily when they arrived. They heard as they approached sneaking in quietly, unseen and unheard. Singing dancing music, the hall seemed filled with life. Then the music slowed to a ballad. Robbs direwolf trapped in a cage started to fuss outside while the food was served.

'Are you sure no one is going to see you? Notice you?' sasha questioned pulling the hood up higher on his head.

'no one will be looking at me.' ned assured. 'not with you by my side.' He kissed her cheek.

'I don't want us dying at a wedding.'sasha informed him.

'we are not dying. Once we talk to robb, we can figure out a better plan, something that doesn't involve so much bloodshed hopefully.'

'I will follow your lead.' Sasha confirmed. They looked around, the feast had already started, Robb looked happy a woman at his side, one hand in Robbs the other on her stomach.

'I think that's robs wife.' Sasha remarked. 'she looks kind.' Sasha whispered. 'I think she is pregnant too.'

'how can you tell?' ned questioned.

'expecting mothers sometimes favor their hand over their stomach, to protect it...' sasha remarked. 'I could be wrong though.' Ned smiled over at her. he half expected sasha to be blooming with a child of his by now. it had been a year since their first time in that cave and plenty more after that yet she stood tall, and muscled, no baby bump visible. He ran a hand along her stomach as Walder frey spoke up.

'Your grace,' Walder Frey said and Robb approached 'I feel I have been remiss in my duties I have given you meats and wine music but I have not shown you the hospitality you deserve... My king is married and I owe my new queen a wedding gift.' Catelyn jumped up screaming her son's name Robb turned around to see his new wife stabbed in the stomach over and over again his Bannerman slice down as well as his wife crumble to the floor Catelyn and Rob spun around nervously anxiously fear coursing through them. They were betrayed. Walder Frey watched pleasantly drinking his wine the act had been done.

Sasha kept a hand over her mouth to keep a scream from escaping. Ned stood up from his crouch to step forward, to help but he paused looking back at a pale sasha her eyes scanning around the room as they were mercilessly cut down. The starks and their banner men were not prepared, they were vulnerable.

'The feast is over is it?' The guards asked happily chatting around the fire outside

'Yes it's over.' they sliced the stark Bannermans throats killing them quickly before they knew what happened. Robbs wolf was next shooting crossbows in on him killing him.

Catelyn panting for breath as she crawled ahead Robb reached out for his dying wife her hands still resting on her stomach her pregnant stomach the Stark men fell

'The king in the north arises.' Walder Frey said smirking as Robb picked up his wife holding her in his arms one last time. Catelyn jumped up grabbing walder's daughter/wife.

'Lord Walder Lord Walder enough let it end please he is my son!' Catelyn said bringing a blade to one of walder freys most recent wives throats. Ned was appalled that she was do that to an innocent child even to save her own children it seemed ruthless. 'He is my first son let him go and I swear I will not forget this. I swear by the old gods and the new we will take no vengeance-'

'You already swore me one oath right here in my castle you swore by the old gods and the new that your son would marry my daughter.' he spat

'Take me as your hostage but let Robb go.' she pleaded for her son. 'Robb get out to get up and walk out please.' she begged him but he stayed with his dead wife

'And why would I let him do that?' walder questioned.

'On my honor as a tully on my honor as a stark let him go.' she threatened, on your honor? Ned thought incredulously, she use HIS name as a threat to kill an innocent girl? 'or I will cut your wife throat.' she dug deeper into the woman's neck as Robb stood up.

'I will find another.' Walder said calmly

'Mother' Rob said his uncle came up to him

'The Lannisters send their regards.' he said stabbing his nephew Robb dropped to the ground Catelyn screamed out slicing the girls neck letting her body dropped the ground she waited for death... One of Walders men came up behind her slicing her neck down to the bone.

Sasha let out a gasp, her hand flying to her mouth as robb was stabbed, and then Catelyn. Ned pulled her back out into the cold.

'come we must go,' he said in a rushed whisper. 'come on,' grabbing her hand and pulling her back to the horse, a gasp still on her lips they rode off.

Sandor crouched back with arya listening to the sounds of the crowds roaring with laughter at the starks demise, he noticed two riders setting off quickly and thought it best to follow their lead. 

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