Princess in the Kitchens

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'Princess?' Ned questioned coming into the kitchen. Tongue to a spatula she grinned up at him.

'Hello ned. Please dont tell father you found me in here. I would never hear the end of it!' She teased. 'A princess in the kitchens!' she exclaimed with a laugh. She jumped up on the counter. 'Father has never been down to the kitchens, not once yet, he eats the most. Ironic isnt it?'

'You have your fathers appetite?' she was a slim woman. Elegant but her body covered in layers due to the cold but last night, he saw her figure perfectly with the dress she wore to the feast.

'I have his sweet tooth that's for sure.' Sasha told him running her tongue along the cake battered spatula. But her eyes watching him.

'They are making lemon cakes!' Sasha exclaimed 'i love lemons.'

'I know.' Ned told her. 'I told them to make it. I hoped you still loved lemons.' He informed her.

'Really? You did that... you remember after all these years?' Sasha questioned. Most men didn't remember something five minutes after she told them something and this was over nine years ago.

'Its hard to forget. When i first met you. You were just a little thing,' he put his hand out marking her height in the air. 'You loved lemons then too. You made this face...' he smiled remembering little sasha. 'You would scrunch up your face shake your head and stick out your tongue,' he told her.

'I think i need a demonstration,' she teased biting at her lip he laughed but he attempted to mimic her younger self. She tried to bite back a laugh but it escaped her lips.

'Then you would take another suck of the lemon do that same thing all over again until the lemon was gone.' Ned told her.

'I think i need to see the face again!' she told him giggling.

'Nope you got it once. That was more than enough,' he told her laughing. Gods he had forgotten what it was like to laugh. She took another lick of the spatula licking her lips clean.

'You know... The batter is almost as good as the real thing.' She held out the spatula for his. He stepped forward. It felt intimate. Licking from the same spatula. Sasha watching him just as he watched her.

'My princess-' my princess. She liked that. Like she was his. But she hated formality it made her seem higher than others and that could be intimidating to men. She just wanted to be sasha with him.

'We have known each other all my life surely we are past formality no?' He hesitated at her words. 'Perhaps just when its us then?'

'I suppose you are right. Sasha.' She liked the way he spoke her name.

'May I call you Ned?' sasha questioned and he nodded sheepishly.

'Sasha,' he went on. 'Would you come with me?' She dropped her spatula into the empty bowl jumping off the counter and grabbing his hand. She wrapping her hand around his arm leaning into him as they walked. They didnt need to speak they were content in the silence. He brought her outside and pointed down at his children.

'Arya,' he pointed at his youngest. 'She could be a skilled warrior such as yourself but she needs guidance. Perhaps you could be that person for her?' Ned asked.

'Does this mean you are coming to kings landing?'

'Yes. Yes i am. Im bringing my girls since sansa is to be...' he couldn't say it, did he really want his daughter married off to Roberts son? There was something off about him. 'Um, i think that the capital could be good for arya.'

'The capital is a dangerous place. Especially for a young girl.' Sasha warned.

'That is why she needs a role model such as yourself... it is soo much to ask of you. Forgive me-' ned began.

'No. I would love to. Arya seems like minded. All of your children are wonderful,' sasha applauded him. 'You have done phenomenal with them. All of them.'

'Thank you. I cant take all the credit.' Ned told her.

That seemed to be catelyn starks redeeming quality. She loved her children. But cersei seemed to love her children in front of others as well. They started to walk down to the sparring grounds, descending the stairs slowly.

'Jon is a fine man as well.' Sasha added. 'Kind. Skilled. I saw him sparing at the feast. I heard he wanted to join the night watch. But the wall is not a good place ned. He should join us at the capital. Consider knight hood or kings guard. He is certainly good enough for it. Better than some of the lumps on my fathers service.' Sasha informed him.

'Jon is certainly something else.' Ned agreed.

'Jon has thick black hair like mine. Are you sure hes not one of roberts bastards that you took pity on?' Sasha teased but ned faltered in his step just slightly. Sasha didnt notice she saw Nymeria and Lady playing they wolves caught her attention.

'You like animals princess?'

'Very much. I met ghost last night. Hes a sweetie. I thought direwolves were supposed to vicious attack creatures? Stirring up trouble? Thats what the books say but ive never met one until now.' sasha told him watching the wolves play.

'They can be vicious yes. But i had my children train them. They take care of them entirely it helped build-' ned told her.

'Character and discipline. Plus respect for hard work. Thats wonderful.' sasha told him. 'You are most certainly, without a doubt an excellent father.' He couldnt help but smile. Catelyn hated the animals. Said they should have been left to die. They were not to be pets. But here sasha was telling him how wonderful the wolves were and what a good parent he was and if he had an ounce less restraint he would have kissed her.

'Arya is quite a good shot.' Sasha remarked. 'excellent form too.'

'Arya!' Catelyn yelled. 'Leave the sword play to the boys!'

'But mother!' Arya yelled.

'No buts. Go practice your sewing with sansa.' Catelyn informed her. Arya stomped off begrudgingly.

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