99. Hounds

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The armies gather the following morning but Ramsay brought out Rickon.

'Rickon, he's here,' sasha said looking out onto the field. She readied her bow. Ramsey was telling Rickon that they were playing a game. Jon stepped forward, sasha kept her bow pointed at ramsey but he was just out of reach and she didn't want to set the off, while they still had rickon. Jon jumped on a horse riding towards rickon. Sasha kept her bow pointed at ramsey as she walked briskly getting closer and closer. Ramsey told Rickon to run towards Jon and Rickon did. Rickon saw his father in the distance running towards him he saw jon, riding fast, so Rickon ran.

'Rickon!' Ned screamed out, mounting a horse, he pulled sasha up, her bow aimed at ramsey as they rode but they were too damn far.

'FATHER!" rickon shouted.

'Ramsey!' sasha called out as Ramsay brough out a bow. 'ENOUGH!' sasha pleaded. Jon desperately rode out on a horse to try to save Rickon, as Ramsay fires arrows at him. Ramsay appeared to have no intention of hitting Rickon with his few shots missing shooting around him making rickon jump in fear but he kept running. Sasha started shoot back. 'RAMSEY!" sasha demanded. Ramsey ducked behind a horse, peering out as sasha put in a new arrow. But just as Jon was about to reach his brother, Rickon was struck in the back with an arrow and killed. Ned leaped off the horse cradling his son, while sasha kept shooting. Ramsey ducked for cover.

With Jon now defenseless in the middle of the battlefield and the Bolton cavalry charging at him, Bolton archers fired volleys of arrows in his direction. Davos commanded the Stark cavalry to follow their commander and they began their charge to meet the Bolton cavalry.

'Come on.' Sasha said pulling jon up from the stampede. Sasha felt blood seeping down her stomach and she felt the pang of a blade at her back, she spun around stabbing the man, he collapsed as she pulled her blade from his heart. She panted for breath searching for jon and Ned among the fight.

After luring Jon's army forwards, Ramsay executes his own pincer movement with his infantry, completely encircling the Stark and Wildling army. The Bolton army continued to press their advantage, with interlocking spears from all directions forcing Jon's army closer and closer together.

'after everything he did to sansa... if I'm dying I'm taking that shit with me.' sasha declared seeing ramsey safetly hidden behind his army. But they were circled with no where to go.

'it was an honor to face death again with you.' Ned told her. but the most unlikely of heros emerdged. Petyr Baelish and Sansa arrive with reinforcements courtesy of House Arryn. The Knights of the Vale quickly flank the encircling Bolton army, which was quickly slaughtered. Sasha caughtes ramseys eye from afar, he looked around at his fallen men before huffing out a discouraged breath and retreating from the battlefield. Ramsay returned to Winterfell and closed the gates.

'we are breaking down those gates.' Sasha informed jon.

'yes commander.' Jon teased.

'I have had quite enough of the Boltons. As had Sansa. We breech the damn gates and finish this.'

Their forces managed to breach the gates, and the remaining Bolton forces are defeated, rasmey knew he was beat.

Ramsay finally accepts Jon's offer to a one-on-one duel, while wielding a bow and arrow.

'I think sasha wants this fight.' Jon said stepping back. Sasha stepped forward grabbing a nearby shield, sasha skillfully blocked all of Ramsay's shots with it, sasha getting closer with every step until she was close enough to smack the bow out of Ramsay's hands and hit him to the ground, once down ramsey pleaded but sasha furiously punched Ramsay's face into a bloody pulp. He panted for breath as sasha stood up.

'cant finish?' ramsey wheezed.

'the kill is not for me.' sasha said wiping his blood from her hands. she looked back to sansa. 'if you want to that is.' Sasha added.

Jon orders Ramsay locked up and the remaining Boltons surrender, restoring House Stark's hold on Winterfell. Rickon's body was found and Jon ordered his body buried in the crypt. Sansa asked Jon for Ramsay's whereabouts, and he directed her to the kennels, where she killed Ramsay that night by setting his own hounds on him.

'sandor would have loved that.' sasha said as she watched from the courtyard as ramseys own hounds devoured him.

'are you alright, sasha?' ned questioned.

'why?' she questioned softly. 'my meltdown today scare you? Think I'm going to be a psycho mad queen now?' she half teased.

'not at all...' ned told her. 'it didn't seem like it was just ramsey you were hitting.' He noted.

'no I suppose it wasn't. it was everyone. It was Joffrey and cersei and stannis and everyone. Just everyone that has made our lives hell. For all they did and contine to do. Tormenting you, killing your children. They felt like my family too.' Sasha told him softly.

'they are.' Ned told her. 'they adore you. I adore you.'

'I'm glad sansa got to get her revenge. Revenge can eat people up if they don't settle things.' sasha noted.

'sounds like you have experience with that.' ned remarked.

'sandor Clegane.' She said still watching as ramseys screams stopped but the hounds kept going. Tearing him limb from limb. 'his brother, that's who burned his face... he wants revenge and it eats him up. I fear that if he is still alive, taking down his brother is going to get him killed.'

'he is your friend?' ned questioned.

'yes.' Sasha agreed. 'I didn't have too many of those in the capital but... he was my friend.' Sasha agreed.

'you miss him?' ned pondered.

'I worry for him.' Sasha corrected. 'but he really would have liked that.' she pointed at the hounds running back to their kennels. 

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