Fierce turned fragile

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'Sasha what we are doing is dangerous. I don't you getting hurt because... I'm falling in love with you.' Ned told her and she stepped forward a smirk on her lips.

'I picked my poison ned. I pick my poison and its you.' Sasha said pulling him to her. 'when my father gets back, we will tell him. Lannisters be damned. You and me Ned, til the end.'


'You damned fool.'

'There is paper and ink on the table' Robert said through labored breaths. 'write down what I say...' sasha stood holding her fathers hand as ned started to write. 'in the name of Robert of the house of Baratheon first of his... You know how it goes fill in the damn titles... I hear by command Eddard of house stark titles, titles.' he moaned, 'as Lord Regent and protector of the realm upon my death to rule in my stead until my son Joffrey comes of age.' Sasha's face pinch at that.

Now would be the perfect time to tell him but why bother he was already dying... ned glanced over to her has she pet her father's head. Instead of writing Joffrey though Ned wrote the rightful heir. 'Give it to me.' Robert requested ned handed it over to Robert and he signed his name at the bottom. Handing the ink back. 'Give it to the council after I'm dead.' Robert instructed 'at least they can say I did this right this one thing... you will rule now. You will hate it worse than I did but you'll do it well and you have my Sasha she won't steer you wrong.' Robert assured. 'make sure you listen to her. she always knew what was right it was wrong and I didn't always listen to her and I'm so sorry baby I did not listen to you I should've listened to you.'

'Yes you should've I thought you would know by now... that I know everything.' she teased tears in her eyes and a sob stuck in her throat.

'You take care of each other won't you?' Robert questioned. 'Ned you take care of my girl.'

'Of course.' End agreed smiling over at sasha.

'Daenerys Targaryen, the girl you were right, the little finger, my brother, all worthless no one to tell me no but you. Only you.' Robert remarked. 'Let her live stop it if it is not too late.'

'I will.' Ned agreed.

'My son help him Ned, make him better than me.'

'I... I will do everything I can to honor your memory.' Ned assured

'I love you my sasha.' Robert told her as she kissed his forehead.

'I love you.' She echoed tears running down her face. Ned hugged her as her father died in front of their eyes. Ned never seen someone so fierce turn so fragile so quickly.

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