Freezing my tits off

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It was clear a day that the starks were having issues. They tried to put on smiles but sasha saw through it. What she didn't understand was why? Ned had always seemed perfect. Besides the bastard son but if you think about it ned was being a good man then too taking in a baby without a mother of home. Raising him with safety and security. It was honorable even though the act was not honorable what came after was.

Sasha noticed the way catelyn didnt look at her husband didnt touch her husband didnt speak to him unless they were bickering. Sasha thought it seemed an awful lot like the way her father and cersei acted but cersei put on a better show most of the time. Catelyn tried to get into cerseis good graces immediately. But didnt care to know sasha. Not that sasha much cared to know catelyn she never much spoke to her during previous visits but to try and befriend cersei? Her efforts would be futile.

Sasha sat at the high table her gaze drifting down the table as she drank her wine only to find ned already looking in her direction. He smiled before turning away.

'Sasha?' Robert questioned she looked up to him. 'Problem love?'

'No no' she said putting her napkin on her plate. 'Just full.'

'You barely touched your food.' Robert noted

'More for you then,' sasha said sauntering through the dining hall as sansa approached the high table nervously before the queen. If sasha ever got a chance to be queen, to take what was rightfully Sashas.... Sasha would be feared, respected and loved. Not just feared and hated like cersei. She kept going outside the cold air of the north hitting her.

'Tyrion' sasha said more than a hint of annoyance in her voice, 'Tyrion one of these days you're going to stop harassing the locals' Sasha said coming outside for a breath of fresh air. The feast was in full swing.

'I am bestowing my wisdom upon him.' Tyrion told her

'You and I both know your words of wisdom is a bunch of bullshit' sasha informed him but tyrion just smiled up at her.

'Such nasty words from such a pretty mouth,' he said before turning and leaving

'I'm sorry about him.' Sasha told Jon.

'That's quite all right princess,' jon told her.

'He's a bit of an ass. But you get used to him.' Sasha informed Jon as he put down his sword.

'You're nothing like your family.' Jon remarked and regretted saying it immediately but the words flew out of his mouth.

'There's a good reason for that,' Sasha told him.

'And what's that?' he questioned

'There is absolutely no Lannister in my blood.' she told him smugly.

'Princess. You are certainly something else.' Jon told her a smile creeping up his lips.

'So ive been told... Whoes this?' She dropped to her knees in the snow before ghost

'Thats ghost. My direwolf.' Jon told her.

'So handsome he is.' Sasha bowed her head before him and he kissed his cheeks his big paws coming up to her lap. Muddying her dress.

'Princess im so sorry,' jon said trying to pull ghost off but she jumped on her happily pushing her to the ground. Jon took in a sharp breath as he tried to get ghost off but sasha laughed. She laughed.

'Its quite alright. I love animals. My father never wanted pets in the castle, Tommen has a cat but I never see him. But i always hoped one day... hes just the cutest,' sasha exclaimed kissing Ghost's head.

'Hes gotten you dirty. My apologies princess.' Jon went on

'Honest its fine. He was just playing,' sasha assured him.

'But he got you all-'

'Jon. Its paw prints, dirty paws.' She wiped some snow on her dress, 'see? Washing off already.'


'Im not mad. Please stop apologizing. If i wanted nothing to do with ghost i would have walked the other way. Instead i invited him in. Are you coming inside? Im afraid my fingers are freezing out here.' sasha told him with a laugh. He offered her a hand up. 'Thank you.'

'No no, lady stark didnt want to offend the king with my presence.' Jon informed her.

'With your presence?'

'Im a bastard, princess.'

'So? You know how many bastards my father has running around? I certainly dont.' Sasha told him. 'He wouldnt mind. In fact he would probably like you better than his own sons. Never took to them. Always wanted a son. A swordsman. Someone he could duel with. He got me instead. I think im better than any son he could have had anyways,' sasha informed jon. 'Come inside.'

'No. Im sorry but lady stark wouldn't approve.' Jon told her.

'Well if you change your mind im positive she couldnt say no if i told her i wanted you here.' Sasha informed him.

'You are too kind.' Jon told her.

'Think it over. If not perhaps i shall see you and ghost tomorrow.'

'Goodnight princess'

'Goodnight jon.' Sasha went back inside running her hands up and down her cold arms. 'I forgot how cold it is in the north.' She told sandor once inside, 'feel my hands.' she put a cold hand to his neck and smiled down at her. 'when you are in the million degree weather for so long you get used to the heat and the cold is freezing my tits off!' she exclaimed.

'I love when you talk dirty to me.' sandor teased putting her hand colds in between his warm ones blowing gently on them. 'Better?'

'Much,' she smiled tapped his cheek, 'hound,' she said sweetly her fingers trilling down his chin before prancing off.

'That woman.' Sandor muttered pouring himself another drink.

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