Eddard stark no more

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Sasha did not understand why they had to leave so quickly, why they were rushed out unseen but she left all the same. She didn't want Joffrey to change his mind and kill ned. So she didn't questioned it. But days later on the road they were told that Ned Stark was killed and Sasha looked at Ned confused.

'what happened?' she questioned

'Executed apparently his treason could not stand.' the man told her 'Joffrey the king will not show mercy to traitors it's about damn time we had a king that took care of the vermin.'

'That's interesting so.... interesting.' Sasha pulled her hood over her head tighter before looking to Ned. 'come along Eddie,' she smiled sweetly at Ned, 'suddenly I'm no longer hungry.'

'Who did he kill?' ned questioned once they set out again.

'I don't know but for your safety you can't be Eddard Stark anymore.' Sasha informed him.


'Disoriented I understand, the path that has been chosen for me. I must leave kings landing become someone else before i can be who i was meant to be.' Sasha informed him.

'I hoped we were done with the chaos... So much for a peaceful trip,' ned said pulling her to him. They lay wrapped in each others arms staring up at the stars.

'Peace is overrated and chaos is stressful. What about madness? I feel us diving deeper into the madness of this bloody game of thrones.' Sasha suggested.

'As long as I'm with you.' Ned said his hand running along her arm but he hesitated. 'what happened when we get to the wall?' ned pondered.

'what do you mean?" sasha turned looking at him.

'will you go back? To kings landing?'

'no.' sasha told him. Not yet, she thought. She needed a proper plan on how to get the throne away from the Lannister.

'Would you...' the wall was no place for a woman, he would be constantly worried about her, maybe they just didn't go to the wall. Lived out their lives on a farm somewhere, somewhere where no one would recognize them. where no one cared who they were... but what about his children? Robb would attack full force at the Lannisters for executing him. He didn't know where Robb was set up, he could ask around but they were probably headed in the wrong direction, what had Varys told him?

'Ned?' sasha questioned seeing the mental dilemma running through his mind.

'I want you at my side, but it selfish of me to ask such things.' he admitted.

'its not.' She assured him.

'it is.' Ned confirmed. 'I'm married and apparently I'm dead.' Ned said with a chuckle. 'we could never have anything that was ever normal. You deserve better than me.'

'there is no one better than you. I told you that already.' She reminded him. 'I chose you. I want you. I don't care about the rest of the world.' She informed him as he sat up, arms still around her. 'when I'm with you, things feel right.'

'I feel the same.' He told her, pulling her closer, lips molding together happily, they fit together like a two piece puzzle, simple, easy and perfect.

'where do you want to go Ned? What do you want to do? I will follow you anywhere.' Sasha informed him happily as she snuggled into his lap, he wrapped his cloak around them both.

'The wall. We shall see Jon and Benjen, gather the troops, see if they will help us get you your crown back.' Ned told her.

'I don't care about that-' sasha began.

'I do. You are the rightful heir. Much better than any of the other options, you were meant for this. Let me help you get it back.' Ned told her.

'lets just get your children safe first.' Sasha told him. 'we get to jon, and your brother, see if they can help us get to Robbs camps, take down the Lannister army. Together.'

'Together.' Ned confirmed. 

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