She does not care

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'Its like she doesnt care that her family is here. That taking lord tyrion wouldnt put us in harms way!' Ned exclaimed.

'Im so sorry this is happening to you.' Sasha told him. 'If i were queen I would make this all go away.'

'Its like she only thinks if herself and what she wants or needs and she needed vengeance no matter who it hurt!' Ned sat uselessly in bed, his leg throbbing. 'I almost lost brandon and her way of going about it is putting her daughters in danger!' Ned shouted.

'Im sorry. I will talk to my father again. I will make him see sense. I promise.' Sasha told him. She pulled her hand away from his but he held onto her. She looked back down to him worry flooded her face. He didnt say anything just kissed her hand before slowly letting her go. But she turned back to him not wanting to leave.

'Do you need anything? Any food? More water? More medication?' Sasha questioned taking a step towards him on the bed.

'Just you.' ned told her and she froze.

'M-Me?' She questioned softly her breath hitching in her throat.

'You.' He confirmed. He inched over on the bed patting the spot next to him. She didnt move biting at her lip nervously. He watched her a moment her eyes meeting his. 'Stay.' he pleaded softly. Slowly she kicked off her shoes climbing in next to him. He wrapped an arm around her as she curled into him.

'Im really glad youre okay ned.' She whispered. He kissed her head softly closing his eyes. They didnt speak a word. Both knowing if anyone came in, in the night or before either woke that things would only get worse for ned and would ruin sashas reputation yet he asked to stay knowing he was already in hot water. And she stayed. Laying with a married man. The hand of the king. When she knew it could ruin her. But he didnt care because if he was to live or die here at the capital as the hand he wanted to love and be loved by the most brilliant and beautiful woman in all the seven kingdoms. And she didnt care about her reputation because she knew she loved him.

Both slept soundly. Sasha was like a painkiller ned decided when he woke up. Only feeling her warm body snug against him no pain in his leg. He watched her sleep slow deep breaths.

'Hello princess' ned said softly as he felt her head moving nuzzling into him.

'Mmm' she said holding him tighter.

'You know it has been seven years since i have slept in a bed with a woman.' ned informed him. 'Even longer since i have slept with a woman i love.' She slowly opened her eyes. 'I forgot how nice it is.' He told her. 'I forgot...' he kissed her head softly. 'I forgot what if felt like to truly live and love until I reconnected with you.' He told her. She looked up to him. 'Life was so dreary so stressful,' he informed her.

'And the capital is less stressful?' She teased. He kissed her again.

'Constant yelling and thinking i wasnt good enough. I wasnt a good parent, a good warden of the north, a good anything. I started to believe i was useless.'

'Youre not.' sasha assured him

'Then you came and showed me i have worth and I deserve love. You deserve love. You deserve more than i can offer you. And it is so selfish of me to want you'. Ned admitted 'but i do. I want you. I can't remember the last time i felt like this. Felt love this strong. You deserve more. Someone better-'

'There is no one better than you.' sasha informed him she lips capturing his. She gently straddled him being careful of his leg. He sat up pulling her closer and closer as her hands wrapped around him into his hair keeping his mouth on hers.

There was a small knock on the door sasha didnt hear it over her heart beating so loudly in her chest but ned pulled away. Her lips chased after him but nodded to the door. Then she heard a knock again. She fingers trailed her numb lips as she removed herself from him. Stepping away from the bed. Flattening her dress and her hair, slipping on her shoes and moving to the door.

'Oh princess im sorry. I have brought the lord hand some breakfast.' The handmadien said bowing her head before sasha.

'Do come in. I just arrived myself. I wanted to check on the patient.' Sasha informed her. 'Perhaps i shall come back later. After youve eaten.' Sasha suggested she didnt want to be seen in the same dress as yesterday that would stir up a conversation she didnt want to have just yet.

'Yes. Thank you princess. You are most kind.' Ned told her. She smiled her lips parting as she left.

'The princess stayed with you.' the handmaiden informed him and ned froze.

'What?' Ned questioned

'While you were unconscious she barely left your side she was in quite the tizzy over you.' She informed him. 'She didnt sleep much either. Didnt eat much too' she added. 'Hopefully you being up will bring her comfort and peace of mind.'

'I certainly hope so.' Ned said softly as she left the tray on his bed.

Rightfully Mine // Ned StarkWhere stories live. Discover now